Dreams, Auctions and the true living Church... Jesus explains ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

10 months ago

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Heavenly Gifts

Jesus explains… Dreams, Auctions and the true living Church

Vol. 2, Chap. 16 – March 5, 1842, 3-6 o’clock in the afternoon

The Lord says:
1. Dreams, for the most part, are nothing but empty shadows, of no more value or substance than the spring snow, which, millions of years ago, fertilized the barren regions of the Earth devoid of life. Nevertheless, there is an enormous difference between the dreams of those who have no greater value than their dreams themselves, and the dreams of those who dwell in My Grace, Love, Mercy and Word, acting accordingly out of love for Me, as much as they are able.

2. Behold, My dear children, for you to fully comprehend this difference within yourselves, I shall illuminate the matter a little more for you. And so then, listen:

3. When a man of this world dreams something, such a dream is nothing more than a nebulous and abstruse perception of the most trivial impressions of the world, the things the spirit of the outward-looking man absorbs throughout the day and, thus, reviews the same trivial matters as he sleeps. However, if the things of this world possess no value in and of themselves even in this reality, then of how much less value will they be if they appear as empty dreams of threefold magnitude in an equally empty soul!

4. However, it becomes an entirely different matter with the dreams of someone keenly occupied with My Word and My love, someone who has already, for the most part, turned inwards. His dreams are no longer mere impressions then, but perceptions of the inner spiritual state, far removed from all the natural and worldly delusions of the senses, as well as all the fantastical deceptions of the soul based thereupon.

5. Among such inner perceptions may justifiably be counted the present “dream triad”, and for an incredibly important reason, because every word of the Holy Scripture, especially from the prophetic section, is, in and of itself, such a “triad”.

6. There is the first part, the literal sense, like an auction, whereby the aged, but highly valued, fine and noble goods are given away to the highest bidder.

7. But whoever has acquired these goods in exchange for his heart, which alone contains the sole means of payment for this commodity, namely the pure love for Me, has created a new ‘state’ within himself, which is the inner order of spiritual life, just as the external, worldly governmental state is a legal union of the peoples under a leading sovereign.

8. But who is the leading sovereign of this inner state? This should not be too difficult for you to answer, for I Myself am this leading sovereign. However, if I am the leading sovereign of this inner state by way of My love, grace and mercy, then there is an infallible spiritual connection between Me and every such “bidder” making the highest bid for My aged goods. But what is this connection, this unbreakable bond of eternal life? Behold, it is the “church”, indeed, the true, living church of man, wherein alone the true meaning of the Word is revealed and wholly illuminated.

9. And so, he who wishes to attain an inner understanding of My Word, of the scriptures of the old and new covenants, including all the later revelations up to this very hour, must, as it was revealed to someone in spirit through this “triad”, infallibly seek to become the highest bidder of this “greatest of auctions”, otherwise it will forever be impossible for him to investigate the true, inner meaning of the scriptures.

10. For only the truly proper understanding of the inner, spiritual sense is a living understanding. But how can anyone achieve this, if he has not first entered the inner state of the spirit as a faithful citizen, by way of the true “auction” or the “highest bidding”, this state, wherein I find Myself as the sole leading sovereign, ruling through love, guiding through grace, seeking through mercy and calling through the living humility of the heart?

11. And so behold, this “auction” is the first and most essential condition for receiving eternal life from Me, which, in the truest sense, is the living church within man. For the true church is merely a living unity with Me. However, anyone who has become one with Me will certainly and infallibly possess within himself the eternal life, as well as everything that is eternal because of it, in the most perfect sense. Thus I am the revelation of the meaning of the scriptures in the third, innermost heaven, wherein everything unites in the one pure love for Me.

12. Now behold what this “triad” conveys! But above all else, remember well everything concerning the “auction”! For without it, no one will enter the aforementioned “state”, much less the living “church”!

13. For truly, truly, I tell you: He who refuses to offer all his worldly treasures in exchange for My “aged goods” shall never receive them, neither here nor in the beyond! Therefore, the rich will have great difficulty acquiring these goods, whereas the poor will receive them easily, because for them they will be offered free of charge. The poor have long been chosen by Me to have the gospel preached to them, while at the same time the rich young man was told the following: “Sell all your goods, and distribute the money thereof among the poor, and then follow Me, and you will find and possess a treasure in heaven!”

14. This treasure I have revealed to you today! And so he who wishes to attain it will certainly know what he has to do! The world, with all its countless follies, brimming with Satan’s wickedness hidden within; therewith these goods will never be purchased! Amen.

15. Faithfully consider these things within your hearts, out of love for Me, if it is your wish to live! Amen.

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