stupid is how they behave when they are living in fear

7 months ago

people are so afraid of sounding or looking stupid
what do i know, i might not be intelligent
they'd rather shroud what they doubt about themselves
you can't gloat about that which goes against what we've been trained to deem important
i never cared much for the world
my advice is the best
i'd kick myself all night if i was right
when you know sumin but you pretend that you dunno
it's gonna eat at ya if you don't say sumin that's burning inside a ya
i can take petty people getting mad over petty shit
the shit you give is no shit at all (a little pebble it is)
your concerns are of this world
suicidal but not suicidal...
this suicidal feeling won't kill me
those pills you pop make you stupid
so afraid of sounding stupid that they repeat the same dumb shit
most people are gullible
this mindset is so detrimental n yet...

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