J.K. Rowling Says She'd Rather Do Prison Time That Bow Down To Pro-LGBTQ Agenda

7 months ago

#jkrowling #prolgbtq

British author J.K. Rowling says that she would rather do prison time than follow transgender viewpoints.

The United Kingdom (or England) recently enacted a UK's Labour Law that also supports for trans people. If someone calls someone by pronouns they don't use (even by accident), it can result in jail time.

J.K. Rowling has been known for being a supporter for women and, while she did say that she does have respect for transgender people, pro-trans people decided to attack her online for not accustoming to their views, and after J.K. Rowling said that trans people should not have the right to come into womens' spaces (such as washrooms and changerooms). This happened for a few years.
J.K. Rowling said this year that she's rather serve some time in jail that support the trans ideology.
This came after she responded to a post by some people on X (formerly Twitter) saying "R3epeat After Us: Trans Women Are Women", which she responded "NO".

Once people heard that, some people suggested that if she wanted to spend some time in prison, she should work there as a librarian, as she is famously known for writing the 7 Harry Potter books.
She rejected the suggestion, and said that she could be doing better in the kitchen. She rejects the idea of doing laundry, as she sometimes messes up her own laundry at home, mixing white and colored clothes.

J.K. Rowling talked the importance of knowing your sex, and if there are no same-sex attraction,, the lived lives of women globally will be erased.
She mentions that splitting the definition of sex and gender is removing the ability to talk about their lives.
J.K. Rowling had some disagreements from some of the Harry Potter movie actors such as Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), and Rupert Grint (Ronald Weasley), who supports the trans ideology. Daniel even sat down with kids who are trans and encouraged the ideology.
But Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort), Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) supported J.K. Rowling for standing up for her beliefs and the truth.
J.K. Rowling and Evanna Lynch had some history together, as Rowling helped Evanna deal with her eating disorder, and then gave her an acting career.

Canada, USA, and the United Kingdom are some of the countries that take the trans ideology too seriously, and will support a person who is dealing with his or her mental health by telling them "you should do gender transitioning" instead of proper support and treatment.
Kids sometimes think they were born as the wrong gender, but are not. If they get pushed into gender transitioning, they will eventually regret it, as boys lose their penis and girls list their breasts and vagina.
Detransitioners have told their story about transitioning, and their regrets, warning of drugs used, and how their lives won't be the same again. They have been attacked by pro-LGBTQ people for telling the risks of changing your body parts just because you thought you were born different.
And there are some people who are trans in Thailand who only call themselves transgender, and do not butt into either male or female, or cause problems for anyone. Just socialize with others.

There are heartfelt people who are LGBTQ who just want to be friends with people who like the same things as others, and don't want the LGBTQ agenda involved, nor who they want to be identified as "oh you're LGBTQ Act like this, dress like this, act sexual, celebrate Pride Month."

Just because you think differently doesn't give you the right to attack someone for it. Sometimes you can stay in your own lane instead of breaking others.

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