Trump behind bars while real felons walk the streets? Inclusivity is a lie and the non-binary bison

1 year ago

Are we in a Wag the Dog moment? Times are changing in the USA.

America the beautiful is about to become America the Banana Republic.
Former President Trump is about to be indicted by a Manhattan District Attorney while felons walk the streets.

But if our leaders politicize the justice system against their opponents, you don’t have a democracy, you have a totalitarian regime.

"The man who broke the bank of England”, George Soros. Who is he and how has he used his billions to influence America and the world?

Inclusivity is a lie.
Non-binary Bisons are in the news.

And, Reverend Calvin Robinson shocks the Church of England with a homosexual marriage speech.

Think none of this affects you? IT DOES. I’ll show you the proof.

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Start [0:00]
▶ Is Christianity the only way to get people saved? [1:00]
▶ Sidney Holmes forgives after being wrongly convicted and sentenced to 400 years in prison [1:34]
▶ Will Trump be behind bars? [2:56]
▶ Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg policies felons walk the streets [4:14]
▶ If we stop being tough on crime will crime subside? [7:12]
▶ What does the Bible say about civil authorities? [8:55]
▶ NY bodega employee prosecuted for defending himself against convicted criminal [10:04]
▶ How did Alvin Bragg get elected to the Manhattan DA position? [10:40]
▶ What is the Color of Change PAC [11:30]
▶ Who is George Soros? [12:30]
▶ George Soros admits to helping confiscate Jewish goods during Nazi occupation [13:00]
▶ How did George Soros use Black Wednesday to get rich? [13:55]
▶ How has George Soros used his money to influence America? [15:27]
▶ What is the relationship between George Soros and the World Economic Forum? [16:35]
▶ The death of NY Detective Jason Rivera [17:40]
▶ Are we in a Wag the Dog moment? [20:00]
▶ How much money did the Biden family receive from Hunter Biden associates [21:00]
▶ Are preferred GOP candidates being propped up by the DNC for the 2024 election cycle? [23:40]
▶ What are Christians commanded to do for their leaders? [27:20]
▶ Are we distracted from our country’s national security? [28:30]
▶ How will Trump’s indictment arrest affect you? [29:10]
▶ Student scholarship applications now require sexual identity? [31:00]
▶ Inclusivity is a lie: the thought police are coming for Christians [32:00]
▶ Do you have the right to pray silently? [32:30]
▶ Female Vermont Christian Highschool basketball team banned for refusing to play against trans males? [35:00]
▶ Pastor Aaron Edwards sacked for tweeting homosexuality is invading the Church? [36:48]
▶ Pastor praises LGBT heroes who speak out about trans movement [37:50]
▶ What do parents need to know about Ridley Jones non-binary bison cartoon? [41:50]
▶ Rachel Levin glad he had children before transitioning? [45:00]
▶ Reverend Calvin Robinson shocks Church of England Oxford Union with homosexual marriage speech? [45:45]
▶ Is God’s love conditional? [52:00]
▶ Are Christians naturally counter-cultural? [54:00]
▶ Pastor recommends the movie True Spirit Jessica Watson [57:55]

👏👏👏 Pastor Tim Recommends 🔥🔥🔥
Movie True Spirit


I Can't Have Hate Exonerated Man Serving Shocking 400-Year Sentence Delivers Stunning Message About Anger, Hate Right After Release

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has downgraded over HALF of felony cases to misdemeanors as criminals

George Soros spent $40M getting lefty district attorneys officials elected all over the country

Christian lecturer sacked over homosexuality is invading the church tweet

Gays Against Groomers

Rev. Calvin Robinson Christianity SHOULD NOT allow gay marriage Oxford Union

✳️ More Notes, References, and Stories can be found under this Episode on

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