proof that i am a threat...once i get off this exit

7 months ago

religious people will understand n non-religious people will laugh
6.669 gallons
the devil is after me, don't like me working for his adversary
if i wasn't effective...
it's not about likes or dislikes
i'm passionate about what i talk about, it won't change
whenever i tell society to kiss my ass i really understand self-love
subdivisions, strip malls...corporate america
some beautiful scenery (but not much)
march in lockstep housing developments
my parents love the fuck outta boring, esp the color taupe
a fine example of all the shitheads i talk about...i am not mean, you are not aware
the devil can't wait for me to keep talkin bout him
who cares about worldly success not ag
you gotta be shady if you are goin places in this dump
this whole culture is bad
war exists cos they play God
technology enables the extinction of the human race
that's why i think i'm a threat
you lemme amy just delusional
all this silly talk bout God, the devil n numbers
that cop is hot from this angle
it's like he knew i was filming him n looked over
well i guess he is serving n protecting tho just in the middle of the street

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