Propaganda is King - in Ukraine and Israel, the level of propaganda is high and expect it to grow.

7 months ago

The Deep404 - analysis of global events. Global Update 13th Nov
#ukrainewar #israelpalestineconflict #deep404
Ukraine/Russia: Day 628 - Israel/Palestine: Day 38

Western dreams for Ukraine still strong…. Anne Applebaum of the Atlantic….

The West Must Defeat Russia
Putin hasn’t given up his plans. He thinks Ukraine’s allies will lose interest.

They planned to take Kyiv in three days, the rest of Ukraine in six weeks.
More than 21 months later, Russian forces have withdrawn from half the territory they occupied in February of last year. At least 88,000 Russian soldiers are likely dead—a conservative estimate—and at least twice as many have been wounded. Billions of dollars worth of equipment, Russian tanks, planes, artillery, helicopters, armored vehicles, and warships have been destroyed. If you had predicted this outcome before the war—and nobody did—it would have seemed fanciful. No one would have believed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a professional comedian, could lead a country at war, that the democratic world would be united enough to help him, or that Russian President Vladimir Putin would endure such a humiliation.

Seems to be ignoring the real world….. Part of the Republican resistance to helping Ukraine fight an American adversary is simply the perverse desire to see President Joe Biden fail. Another part comes from the fear that Ukraine is not able to win. The Ukrainian summer counteroffensive did have some success, especially in the Black Sea, where a combination of drones and missiles has badly weakened Russia’s navy and forced some of its ships to leave the Crimean port of Sebastopol. But the progress on land was slow. Ukraine’s ability to inflict huge casualties on Russia was not enough to create a backlash, or a reconsideration, in Moscow. General Valery Zaluzhny, the Ukrainian commander in chief, has recently spoken of the war as a “stalemate.”

Propaganda is strong
In Israel/Gaza - Both sides of the conflict are seemingly trying to win the propaganda war, from 40 beheaded babies to 6 fingered AI fathers holding bloodied children…. It is unusual given the level of actual atrocities occurring that people feel the need to make things even worse?

However, it does make it difficult to know what is happening - about a year ago I realised that AI technology had become so good that I could no longer discern fake video from real…. And now it seems that you need to evolve a ‘feel’ and look for multiple sources for confirmation.

Israel - suffering
As for those who think Israel is taking its time—many reports indicate that Israel’s economy is facing massive shocks from this war. They’re bleeding over $600M per week—6% of GDP—from a combination of war costs, lost tourist revenues, as well as a lot of agricultural operations reportedly completely shutting down as settlers and workers flee particularly the north near Lebanon.

Massive columns of tanks - no infantry - aerial bombing then slow movement and no appreciable losses of Hamas fighters being reported.

Talk of engaging ex UK PM Tony Blair to assist with the media handling of the civilian casualties being caused by the Israeli bombing campaign.

Muslim followers of Islam (90% Sunni, 10% Shia) 1.9B
The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a country home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.1%), India (10.9%) and Bangladesh (9.2%).[8][19] About 20% of Muslims live in the Arab world.[20] In the Middle East, Iran and Turkey are the largest Muslim-majority countries, while Egypt and Nigeria in Africa have the same status

Battle Front - Middle East
Syria and Iraq - continue to escalate - US reprisal attacks and new attacks by Iran revolutionary guards on the US base in the conoco oil field - also

Also Russian airforces have bombed Syrian Rebels in the Idlib area.

Also reports that Houthis of Yemen have shot down a US RQ-9 reaper drone with an Iranian missile.

In Gaza fighting continues - reports of AL SHifa hospital being put under seige - deaths due to lack of power, West Bank clashes also reported.

Concern from US that ISrael may wish to expand the conflict and drag the US in to suport them

5 US Army killed Black Hawk refueling crash east mediterranean off the coast of cypress.

Turkish President Erdogan - Erdogan condemned Netanyahu once again and said that he was on his last legs. "Know this, you are on your last legs. As you sow, you shall reap. And you shall reap."

Battle Front - Ukraine
Avdeevka - Russian assault continues. Russians report success overcoming a minefield at Vodyane (south ) and intensifying artillery and airforce assaults on Pervomaiske.

Pincers closing down to 5.8km between then now

Reports of Ukrainian fuel having colouring added to it to dissuade the theft of fuel - apparently this is an age old problem with a Red thread being woven through rope on British ships in the 18th Century.
Sister channel to @the3ps TheThirdPartyShow. #deep404

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