Fermenting pickles

7 months ago

Fermenting pickles with Malka Reichman, herbalist
Recipe spinoff from Donna Schwenk's recipe in her book Cultured life in a Jar
culture starter or 1 cup active brine
1 cup water (nonchloronated)
5-6 cloves garlic
4 T celtic gray salt
6 T pickling spice blend (details below)
3-4 lbs persian cucumbers or mini cucumbers
10 bay leaves

leave on countertop for 6-8 days. Make sure the vegetables are completely submerged and below the waterline. Once it is fermented (sour enough for you), refrigerate.

Pickling spices (You can buy them organic and in bulk on vitacost.com)
4 T black peppercorns
4 T mustard seeds
4 T coriander seeds
4 D dill seeds
4 T allspice
2 teaspoons red pepper flakes.

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