Letting-out The Lament (Isaiah 38:9-14)

7 months ago

#wrble #werisebyliftingothers
Lamentations 3:22-23 New International Version. 22 Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
In a scroll (book as we know today) filled with wild weaping and unrestrained sorrow stands a few words that shine as a beacon of light around which the whole of the sorrow is let free from the soul, "Great is Your faithfulness." Letting out all the sorrow, and right there just above, remembering who GOD is. Acknolwodging the problems and then reminding them just how big GOD is. The creator of reality can always write something new, write something more. Will we be ink worth writing in with the way we love others or will we be consumed by self. A question that we, and Hezekiah, will wrestle with this week.
Hold onto your butts folks, we're going for the heavy stuff this week.

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