How to Make A Simple Sterling Silver Ring by Soldering

7 months ago

One of the myriad of ways to make a simple sterling silver ring from strip plate 925 Sterling Silver. You will learn how to measure your finger without a ring gauge (this is a classic way jewellers get their customers to sneakily measure the ring of a loved one without them suspecting. They DO NOT give them ring gauges and them ask them to measure their loved one's finger size; that would give the game away if it was supposed to be a secrete LOL!). However, if it's not a secrete, then a ring gauge is the way forward of course.

I will show you one technique for soldering
We will use a small torch which uses a Propane/Butane mixture. it is NOT a jeweller's torch. A jeweller's torch will be the best best in many circumstances as it uses a Propane/Oxygen mix. It is possible too to use a Propane/oxygen torch for plumbing if you are careful, I have used such equipment many times with good effect, however, such torches will not e suitable for fine silver work as the just is usually too course in size.

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