The Catastrophe of The LEFTIST Brain

1 year ago

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excerpt from "The Catastrophe of Multiethnic Society" found at

Essential to sociology is an understanding of the mentality of the political right and left. History has proven that within every society exist two groups, one primarily motivated by emotion– the left, and the other by logic and wisdom– the right. The validity of these defining characteristics is validated by studying history, or applying critical thought to correlating political ideologies. Testament to the validity of the dichotomy is that modern science has dedicated significant resources to understanding its biological causes. Because political stakes are no less than the fate of society, there will always exist ardent conflict between the political right and left.

The Leftist Brain

It seems obvious that societal problems are best remedied through a dominant application of logic and wisdom, yet through their politics leftists evidence that they disagree. Thus an investigation of the mental disorder of leftism is as fascinating as it is relevant. Because this investigation is necessarily complex, this section is the most intellectually challenging of the treatise; thus, the reader should now heighten his concentration.

Because the leftist’s reality has been constructed by his emotionally dominant brain, he is unaware of the fundamental incongruity of his
emotional universe in the same way that a fish is unaware of his water universe. However misaligned with his goals his results have proven, and continue to prove, it remains self-evident to a leftist that moral actions must be chosen by what feels good. To the leftist it is perverse insanity to suggest that morality is best defined not by what feels good but by what does good. For a leftist to affirm a problem-solving dynamic that values logic and wisdom over emotion would be much more than morally reprehensible; it would be a psychological experience on par with a suicidal departure to insanity. He would be annihilating his universe (his ego) which includes literally all he loves—his morality, his children, his life, everything. Thus it makes perfect sense that such minds maximally resist the embrace of this Armageddon necessary for their awakening to reality.

This is why leftist politics prove irrational to the point of surreal. As a matter of insightful fact, the artistic surrealism movement of the early twentieth century is politically associated with communism.

Behold surrealism’s definition as stated within André Breton’s 1924

“Surrealist Manifesto”…
“Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life.” Leftist problem-solving methodology first intuits a solution that feels best, builds around it the most plausible paradigm, then defends the paradigm with all imaginable sophistry. This methodology would be laughable if it weren’t so widely championed. Specifically, leftist solutions prioritize the most speedily achieved peace with the least hurt feelings. The primary leftist paradigm states that man is essentially good, so it is not his biology that separates him from a communal utopia, but his ignorant cultural institutions. Thus, leftists conclude that for man to return to utopia he only needs to replace his institutions with scientific knowledge. Not only is this a false premise because it ignores instinct and wisdom, but leftists don’t even implement their premise with any consistency. The foundation of science is logic and the study of empirical evidence. Obviously this evidence includes social world history. Leftists very clearly disdain logic and the evidence of social world history.

The left’s correspondingly insane ultimate goal is articulated best in the lyrics of John Lennon’s song Imagine: “Imagine there’s no heaven… no countries… nothing to kill or die for… Imagine all the people living life in peace… no possessions… no need for greed or hunger… imagine all the people sharing all the world… the world will live as one.” A moderate amount of logic or wisdom reveals how unrealistic is this emotional utopia, yet leftists directly have not the ability to appreciate such logic or wisdom. An absence of religious foundation leads to nihilistic depression. An absence of borders defines anarchy. An absence of possessions smothers critical motivation. Because man is innately lazy, greedy, ambitious, and violent, and also because survival resources will always be in short supply, every attempt to erect the impossible leftist utopia has resulted in the most horrific societies in history— rampant poverty, starvation, disease, lawlessness, censorship, and extreme psychological and physical oppression. Far more than one hundred million deaths and incomprehensible suffering have already resulted in the USSR, China, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Mozambique, Congo, Angola, Benin, Nicaragua, and Cuba. This is the truth that is literally unable to exist in left’s insane reality. Their mental illness does not label this maximal logical and historical evidence as failure of insane political methodology; instead, they obfuscate with any explanation possible such as “it wasn’t real communism,” “It was successful for a while,” “it was subverted by fascism.” Thus it is not a question of if there will be a next country on the list, It is a question of which country it will be, then which country will follow after that. The most recent victim is Venezuela. As of this writing, presidential candidate Joe Biden with his millions of passionate American voters are doing their best for the next victim to be the United States.

Leftist Flawed Thinking

The most consequential flaw in the leftist paradigm is that it implies that its definitions of utopia, morality, ignorance, and scientific knowledge are self-evident and beyond question. This shortcoming is simply proven by asking a leftist, “What is the theoretical evidence that would disprove your belief?” A conservative not only can easily answer this, but he continually challenges himself with such validating questions. Behold a simple conservative answer, “I would change my politics if you could disprove that man’s essential nature is flawed, that small government is best, that society must preserve inalienable individual rights.” Leftist has no such answers because their politics prove unsound because they originate from a non-real universe grounded in emotional physics.

Leftist ideological failure is further exposed by comparing the basic political strategies of both the right and left. The right cultivates morality through rational compassion. The right cultivates societal wellbeing through teaching authentic history, economics, and the wisdom of tradition. The left is unable to adopt this strategy because authentic history, economics, and tradition directly antagonize their utopian aspirations. Because they have no choice they cultivate not societal wellbeing, but power through all methods possible. As Orwell stated, "Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing." Thus, over so many decades leftists have mastered many strategies and tactics for the direct acquisition of power. Their most celebrated instruction manual is Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Of course all the while leftists believe they are doing good despite all logic and direct evidence proving otherwise. To again quote Orwell, "Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."

Thus there is virtually nothing that will change leftist minds, and that is the crux of the problem— it is impossible to reveal to leftists actual reality.

Additionally, leftists are stunted by their ill certainty that their virtue is superior to that of the right. The right has no such binding as it freely submits that anyone may possess healthy virtue. Because the right champions what does good which often does not feel good, the left cannot comprehend let alone admit rightist methodology could be moral because it would imply the suicidal negation of the emotional physics of their universe. A perfect example of this dynamic manifests during a debate on morality when a leftist says, “You’re from another planet.” He is metaphorically correct. Rightists and leftists truly live in psychologically separate universes with different fundamental physics.

To defend 2+2=7 leftists mainly employ epistemological relativism grounded in their delusional emotional universe which remains perfectly shielded by their impenetrable egos. They attest that all knowledge is relative, specifically the morality of right and wrong; thus, as they see fit they label evil the victim of good. Such thinking is illustrated in venerated Marxist Max Horkheimer’s proud clinically

insane statement "Logic is not independent of content." Any sane high school student can appreciate that a=a regardless of the contents of “a,” yet obvious refutations such as this are uniformly suppressed by the left. Today at most every Western university you can witness this mental illness within tenured Marxist professors by challenging them with such refutations. You can then appeal to their department heads to again witness the illness. These people are no less than clinically insane; and thus, it is impossible for them to retain a healthy conception of morality– they may truly believe anything, such as moral innocence in wanton mass rape and murder.

The left’s emotional universe inexorably subscribes them to the dogma of ends justifying means because, unlike the right, the left has no moral paradigm to deter them. Their morality is the result of childish goals of preserved feelings, short term peace, and long term utopia. Because logic and reality antagonize leftist ends, the leftist need to construct successful political paradigms is not a passion, but a contemptible chore. This is why leftist arguments are so flimsy. Leftists not only suffer a deficit in logical aptitude, but their arguments are irrelevant to the leftists themselves. Typically, truth is that which must be overcome in any way possible. This can be witnessed daily in leftist newspapers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, and websites such as

Leftist Word Manipulation

"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful, and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." -Orwell

The most relevant example of the left’s contempt for truth and morality is their technique of bamboozling the public by branding their evil concepts with words that are irrelevant without context yet inherently associated with positive concepts. Behold their cornerstones of “equality,” “tolerance,” “diversity,” and “social justice.”

Equality arbitrarily means two quantities are equal, yet the word implicitly associates with the moral goal of equal administration of justice. Thus the left brands its evil feel-good concept of equality of outcome with the word “equality” so that it may conflate moral perfection with moral reprehensibility.

Tolerance arbitrarily means enduring an undesired stimulus, yet the word implicitly associates with the wisdom of allowing contrary ideas to endure because each idea may yet prove unsound. Thus the left brands its evil feel-good acceptance of sickening Islam justified oppression with the word “tolerance” so that it may conflate wisdom with horror and cultural suicide.

Diversity arbitrarily means different, yet the word implicitly associates with the positivity of choices, opportunities, and rainbow colors. Thus the left brands its evil feel-good policies of multiculturalism and mass-immigration with the word “diversity” so that it may conflate positivity with white cultural and racial genocide.

“Social Justice” seems to imply the pinnacle of virtue—the ideal of a perfectly morally administrated society. In reality the concept “social justice” is a terrifying weapon to arbitrarily enforce what everyone should champion, and no one dare question.

It is impossible to reveal to the leftist these or any other of their myriad fallacies and cascading inconsistencies because it would require from them an earnest patience to listen and then also comprehend. This necessary patience can never exist in ones so fundamentally certain of their superior morality. One would think directly showing leftists the fruit of right wing thought such as massive wealth, technical and medical advancement, happiness, freedom, food, law and order, and relative peace, and then showing them the fruit of left wing thought such as massive waste, technical deficiency, unhappiness, totalitarianism, starvation, murder, war, and suicide would compel in them enough humility for their egos to shrink enough to enable them to recover their capacity for critical thought. It achieves zero. Thus, for the sake of societal advancement, it cannot be publically repeated enough that leftists are clinically insane.

Why Leftism Thrives

Because the left can’t help but exhibit sheer insanity, it seems to not make sense that they represent about half the population; one would think the large demographic of political moderates would side with the non-insane. Even if their brains tended towards an emotional universe, one would think that instinct would lead them to trust the logic and historical success of the right. The reason for the left’s enduring effectiveness is their wealth of organic advantages. Firstly, the appeal of leftist superficial feel-good policies attracts most young adults. These voters have not yet endured the inevitable life experience that both settles unbridled emotions and reveals the sobering realities of society, nor have they had the proper education or years of intellectual reflection to realize the correctness of nuanced conservative thought.

Secondly, if leftists can stay free from the influence of moral truth, they enjoy an intellectually, emotionally, and socially easier political path. While the rightist’s morality demands intellectual effort to investigate the complexities of social issues, the leftist is allowed to champion whatever feels best from whatever unverified information passes his way. The rightist must endure the emotional and social difficulty of not only making tough decisions, but also voicing them in social settings. Conversely, the left supports the decisions emotionally and socially easiest.

The third reason leftism enjoys popularity is that the dynamic of brain chemistry within the leftist mind self sustains political activity because the more the leftist promotes what feels good, the more he satisfies his egomania. In other words, regardless of the consequences that his emotional policies inflict on the world, his acts of asserting them maintains his dopamine high. For example, while the rightist endures painful empathy of refusing charity to a drug addict, the leftist enables the addict with charity. For his own selfish and unwarranted high, the leftist not only hurts the addict but also promotes dirtiness, homelessness, crime, and additional drug activity.

The fourth and most consequential force encouraging leftism originates from the leftist dominated cultural institutions. Schools and universities, film and television, journalism, and commercial media create a virtually irresistible illusion that one must champion “correct” leftist morality or suffer justified ostracization. After pondering how ubiquitous and severe is this indoctrination, one wonders how the right endures at all.

The final advantage enjoyed by the left is the inextricable dynamic that forever creeps all societies left. Because the surrounding status quo appalls them, leftist motivation for political activity is more easily cultivated than for the right. As long as the rightist feels the establishment is safe he will remain largely inactive. Only when his institutions become so rancid with leftist progress does the carefree conservative shock into action. He must experience the sudden anxiety accompanying a confrontation with leftist progress, such as the Netflix title “Dear White People,” or a lawsuit for civil misuse of gender pronouns, or his daughter’s homework instructing the copying of the Islamic statement of faith.

Thus, in truth the great human bane is not hunger, or homelessness, or oppression, or disease. As a matter of fact we’ve greatly ameliorated if not solved most societal ills. What devastates us is the mental condition of leftism that perpetuates a massive global epidemic of profound stupidity— an inability to perceive accurately and think soundly to effectively remedy societal issues. Again, the typical leftist does not intend to be a vehicle for evil; he is just exasperatingly stupid because of his mental condition. The leftist’s defining insane brain that erects a universe grounded in emotional physics yields the pitiful, very stupid, and clearly apocalyptic dynamic of believing ridiculous premises, implementing catastrophic solutions, and maximally refusing all criticism because of perfect hubris resulting from the psychological impossibility of conceiving that the objective universe is grounded in logic and common sense. It is the billions of these mental cripples that are causing the great majority of the world’s suffering; and therein lies the problem— their stupidity unknown to them makes them fierce antagonists to solving societal problems everyone yearns to solve.

Thus, finding a solution to the apocalyptic epidemic of leftist stupidity deriving from their mental illness demands highest priority, for it is the overwhelming cause of humanity’s suffering. Until we can find this cure, the right understands that they can never stop fighting because the alternative is the psychological and physical hell of unending versions of communism. Thus endures the epic political war.


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