Apatros Review Ep-0036: The Woman Hunt [1972]

1 year ago

AR-0036: Now for a turn into the nasty world of Filipino exploitation of the 1970s, this [somewhat hard to find] nasty thriller about a group of women being abducted by a scuzzy-as-hell businessman who wants to use them first as his personal harem for his clients then as sport to be hunted down [so yeah, this is an unofficial adaptation of "The Most Dangerous Game"] but the head of his team of mercenaries gets other ideas & decides to help the lovely ladies escape... but not before helping themselves to the mansion's armoury to give them a fighting chance.

As far as 1970s exploitation goes [remember that "grindhouse" is NOT the correct term for these kinds of movies], this is pretty standard for that decade. Not a good movie by any standard - poorly written, flatly directed & the action only takes place at the final ten to fifteen minutes of a 70-something minute movie - but almost every chick in the cast whips their boobs out at least once & Sid Haig is awesome in this.

He even gets the best line in the movie: "My nose ain't the thing that grows..."

Very hard to find on DVD, although in Australia this was released [from a ripped VHS] onto a double feature DVD with "TNT Jackson" by Umbrella Entertainment [the Aussie equivalent of something like Blue Underground]. Only a trailer is provided for supplemental value.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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