Vivek Ramaswamy says one GOP candidate is like "Hillary Clinton on steroids"

6 months ago

Vivek Ramaswamy made bold accusations against one GOP candidate, saying they are like "Hillary Clinton on steroids." Vivek was talking directly about Nikki Haley, making accusations that she's getting wealthy while in politics - like a lot of the political nutjobs do, because why else are they really in politics? It ain't like they give a crap about us, the working man, they just want a nice easy job with a good paycheck and they sell us snake oil and promises all the time. Am I wrong tho? Nope. I'm not, politicians are usually pretty scummy people when you think about it, but that's just my opinion. Let's get back to Vivek's statements.

Vivek further accused Nikki Haley of collecting corporate stock options while she's running for president. He said, “Comes outta government drowning in personal debt, uses connections to start a military contracting firm without naming their clients... Somebody who actually then joins the board of Boeing… speaking fees, including with foreign actors: Hillary Clinton style, collecting stock options while running for US president.” Vivek continued, saying: “All of that then emerges just like Joe Biden, a multimillionaire. These are not the people, whether it's Biden or Haley. These are not the people we should want deciding whether to send your kids to die fighting somebody else's war.”

You know what? Vivek seems like the decent one in a bad bunch when you think about it.

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