About to Arrive: What Some AI Experts Fear Most - The Crisis: WHO/WHAT CAN YOU TRUST?

1 year ago

In this video, we address subjects like the state of Deep Fake creation, where it is already impossible to tell what is genuine and what is fake. What impact will this have on you, and what defense will you have? The crisis we face comes down to this: Who and what can you trust? Google has been caught in major scandal, but will even revelation cause folks who support their system to change their behavior? A very dangerous false narrative continues with a major promotional campaign selling the new 'and improved' jab, despite there being no current threat in view. We're against the corruption and evil agenda-driven big pharma industry and big food and big medicine/health care and big medical research, medical insurance, and against the interventions of operation of most or all Federal organizations, like the FDA and USDA. The world is being driven at an increasingly rapid pace toward the beast system that will require the mark of the beast. There is refuge in the Lord Y'shua haMashiach. You can trust Him.

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