Hacking Dominion, Shasta County, AB969, and fixing elections in Riverside County

8 months ago

My name is David Serpa, I’m a Marine Corps Veteran running for Congress in this district… though you won’t know I’m a veteran by looking at the upcoming ballot…

Everyone running for office is allowed to use 3 words to describe themselves on the ballot, but the word “Veteran” cannot be one of them.

Nothing alluding to Military service is allowed.

I won’t go into my previous issues with our Registrar of Voters office in 2020, because I don’t have time, AND the head of the Registrar of Voters office has recently stepped down.

Both Democrats and Republicans have been disappointed with the lack of integrity in our election for decades.

The Senate Intelligence Committee concluded election systems were targeted in all 50 states by Russia in 2016.

In March of 2018 Congress sent $380 million dollars to the states, 90% of which was spent on new voting equipment, and cyber security measures.

Why are we doubling down on broken systems proven to be vulnerable to hacking?

A few months later on Day One of DEF CON 26, a conference for hackers, 39 children attempted to hack replicas of Secretary of State websites for 6 swing states… 35 of the 39 children did it. They were also able to deface the page, and tamper with vote tallies.

To their credit The Department of Homeland Security was onsite to learn from the hackers.

Dominion Voting Machines, amongst others, have been hacked at conferences like DEFCON & HACKATHON, showing where they are vulnerable.

In January this year, Shasta County cancelled their $2.2 Million dollar lease and decided to purchase machines for about $6,000 each, to print out ballots and machine-count them.

In addition, they hand count the ballots in 3 man teams and saved the county over $2 million dollars.

AB969 was drafted in Sacramento as a response to Shasta County. This bill would only allow hand counting in the event of a natural disaster, power outage, or fire.

Why can we not do both? Why can’t we use the machines to print and count, and also count the ballots by hand?

I want to work towards a common sense solution for everyone.

I propose three items;

Cancel the lease with Dominion and save our county millions to offset the $800,000 just paid out the former head of the ROV Office.
Buy machines to print and count ballots, and ALSO hand count the ballots in 3 man teams around the clock.
Finally, I ask; would each of you support allowing Military veterans to identify as “veterans” on future ballots in Riverside County?

Thank you for your time.

#Dominion #Voting #ElectionIntegrity #Veterans #Ballots #Hacking #Russia #HandCount #MachineCount #CommonSense #Congress #Shasta #Riverside #RIVCO #ROV #BOS #SerpaforCongress #DavidSerpa

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