The Bible Talks About Budgeting?

8 months ago

The Bible talks about budgeting?

While there is not a specific verse that says “you need to budget,” the Bible is chalk full of verses that advise you to prepare and plan ahead.

Todays verse is Proverbs 21:5-“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” My interpretation of this verse is that planning ahead not only helps you find success, but also helps you avoid failure.

Budgeting is an important tool to help you control your finances. Knowing where every dollar you spend is going is important to your financial success. The good news is, budgeting is not as hard as you might think it would be! The gist of a budget is to make your expenses match your income to the cent.

Start working on your budget today. I recommend utilizing Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover budget, or this one I’ve linked here!

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