how many subjects, vortex?

1 year ago

plz don't get turned on all cos this is somewhat phallic
freakzoid over here
still a woman tho
was i made in a test tube
we all believe whatever we want anyway
late late late *natural hours
you have to be an anarchist to be an artist
systems aren't supposed to work
the system serves as a veneer
imagination that they've made real
i'm willing to bet that it's all wrong
more $ to be made thru misery
it's all the same thing, it's all about control
the tempo almost always annoys me
maybe my third eye is wrong, lemme know
stephen jenkins, i was waaaaay off there haha
semi-charmed kinda life
chances are he was drunk, he was a good example of bdpd
many have a serious personality disorder now due to the internet
how can you choose to be superficial tho
hashgag blah blah blah
i know you can learn stuff n all but fuck twitter
but people don't seem to wanna know much
let go of this world
i don't have a twitter account, i spy
very few people have private tweets
i promise i am not trying to be creepy, i am just trying to understand everything
i don't like that scratchy noise
side package: directors/writers commentary

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