Green Party’s Carla Denyer roasts Piers Morgan over Palestine.

8 months ago

Green Party Co-leader Carla Denyer more than held her own this morning as she faced Piers Morgan on Laura Keunssberg's show.
Right, so with the unfortunate news that Laura Kuenssberg was back presenting her own show, expectation was things would return to Sunday morning normal with the establishment being well looked after once again and indeed it looked very much like that, with her guests including Lord ‘whoops I’ve lost my phone how careless of me all that Covid enquiry data that might have been’ Bethell and the eternally odious and perennially wrong Piers Morgan a man you don’t talk to about phones either. Standard balance you might be thinking, usually the pretence of a left voice goes to Labour or some such at this point, laughably, but instead Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer was on the panel and if you wanted some actual balance, she was more than up to it, pushing the Green party’s pro-ceasefire narrative with regards to the situation in Israel and Gaza and taking Morgan down a peg or two whist she was at it.
Right so the situation in the Middle East remains desperate as further bombing continues, Western narratives continue to support Israel with the already in enough trouble and should keep his nose out of things Boris Johnson now having skipped off to Israel to press flesh with the Israeli Defence Force, presumably before they go off and bomb more civilians, who, it seems inescapably clear to those paying attention by now are either being deliberately targeted, or definitely not being exempted from their actual targets. The civilian death toll in 3 weeks is 20 times that seen in Ukraine since the start of the war there with Russia, that’s not the actions of a force trying to minimise civilian casualties, nor trying to actually rescue hostages as claimed.
Piers Morgan has apparently been skipping between the US and the UK this week, both countries very much on the same page regarding Israel, ie, they’re on their side, and this shouldn’t surprise many since the US basically writes our foreign policy, in that we’ll do whatever they do and Starmer’s position is apparently based on exactly the same thing so nothing expected to change. When asked about his stateside findings though, Morgan said: ‘Well it’s an unbelievable mess, it’s horrific, what happened on October the 7th was horrific, I think the scale of the response from Israel, clearly on the civilian toll in particular, is horrific as well, and the question becomes what is the proportionate response. So Israel says that their mission statement is to eradicate Hamas and we can all understand why they would want to do that, Hamas committed an appalling act of terror on it’s people, they don’t just have a responsibility a duty to their people to ensure it doesn’t happen again. It was only last week that an Hamas spokesman was proudly boasting that they would do it again and again and again, so Israel has to defend itself, but clearly we’re all looking at these scenes within Gaza and your heart just despairs for the poor people, the poor innocent Palestinians, but how do you eradicate a terror group, 40,000 of whom are living among the civilian population, without massive civilian casualties?’

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo carla denyer,green party,carla denyer green party,carla denyer and adrian ramsay,green party of england and wales,green party leadership,uk green party,green party uk,green party leader,labour party,uk news,politics,boris johnson,uk politics,kernow damo,kernowdamo,gaza,damo rants,damo,palestine genocide,palestine and israel,piers morgan,piers morgan israel,piers morgan palestine,laura kuenssberg,laura kuenssberg sunday,carla denyer piers morgan,jeremy corbyn

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