"Picture Pages" Cast Member Claims Bill Cosby DRUGGED and SEXUALLY ASSAULTED Her When 15! - 2014

7 months ago

Published on Nov 21, 2014
by DiseasedManiac

"PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A local woman is the latest of more than a dozen women to accuse comedian Bill Cosby of being a sexual predator.

Renita Chaney Hill, 47, tells KDKA reporter Ralph Iannotti she was a 15-year-old model and aspiring actress when she first met Cosby back in the 1980s.

He was in Pittsburgh looking for performers to appear in his educational television segments “Picture Pages,” which filmed in the city. Hill’s modeling agency recommended her and she got the job.

She says she was star struck.

“Promises of bright lights and fame. That’s where I thought I was headed, that’s what everyone who knew me thought I was headed,” Hill told Iannotti.

Her appearance in Cosby’s videos was the start of a four-year, on-again, off-again relationship with the actor.

“He would fly me to a number of cities,” including New York and Atlanta she remembers. “He would be busy during the day, then I’d come to his hotel room at night,” she said.

Hill says when she was alone with Cosby the scenario was always the same. Cosby would insist she have a drink even though she was underage. She says she now believes she was drugged.

“One time, I remember just before I passed out, I remember him kissing and touching me and I remember the taste of his cigar on his breath, and I didn’t like it,” Hill said. “I remember another time when I woke up in my bed the next day and he was leaving, he mentioned you should probably lose a little weight. I thought that odd, how would he know that?”

Hill says after a while she began to put two and two together.

“I always thought it was odd that after I had this drink I would end up in my bed the next morning and I wouldn’t remember anything,” Hill said.

She says she doesn’t know if she was raped because she was unconscious.

“It just felt weird to me, and I remember being in high school saying to him, ‘I’ll come see you, but I don’t want to drink because it makes me feel funny,’” Hill said. “And he would tell me that if I didn’t drink, I couldn’t come see him.”When she was 19, Hill says she decided to have no further contact with Cosby, even though she says he was paying her college tuition and her family had accepted what appeared to them to be a father-like mentoring relationship. She says she also gave up her dream of becoming an actress.

“It was just a horrifying feeling thinking that as a part of your dream you felt like this was something you had to endure,” Hill said. “And that’s why I couldn’t do it anymore, and I just walked away.”

Hill says her family, including her husband and three daughters, were aware of her experience. She never told her story publicly, but after hearing Cosby’s attorney criticize the other women who have recently accused Cosby of sexual assault or misconduct, she decided to come forward.

She makes no apologies for waiting more than three decades to tell her story.

“No one wants to be associated with something like this,” said Hill. “But the bottom line for me is that no one has the right to violate someone else, no matter who they are. I don’t care how big they are or how the community sees them, it’s not right.”

When asked what she would say to Cosby if given the chance.

“You know, I thought about that over the years. Why would you do that to a young girl? Being Bill Cosby, you could have had anyone. You didn’t have to do that to a young girl,” Hill said."

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