always singing acapella since i was a child

8 months ago

i could sing like a jazz pianist
i am able to do this cos of my narcissistic qualities
i wanted to sing acapella anyway
praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals
it's from Psalm 150
the leaves are so pretty!
don't i sound just so excited
we have the tendency to sit in the car forever
we never leave when we say we're gonna leave
i get very frustrated w/ myself
i used to wanna die every day
might as well get used to this cos there's no escape
if you think you're _____ then you're _____
am i preparing myself for some major declaration
reality manifests from the subconscious mind
i am never by myself but with myself
eventually we gon have some fun n that pisses off society
it's not lonely anymore & no i don't fuck God
women are just very self-destructive n it's sad to watch
i hope that's what i'm doin
i am off the brink now, thank you
i don't wanna go back there so i don't think it's gonna happen
i had to fuck it up all the way
i always attempt to say things
i won't do what i don't wanna
the gift of self-acceptance
can you tell that i know when i'm approaching the end of the video
i kinda/sorta do hate em
i want what's best for the world n the world will hate me for it
my mind is a sauna so i'm used to the steam, that was pretty good but it's outta context now n doesn't make any sense

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