Keith Norris: Bread, Circuses, & Mind Control | Wellness Force #Podcast

3 years ago

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Listen To Episode 354 As Keith Norris Uncovers:

[1:30] The Fire Inside To Search For The Truth

-Exploring how humans were designed to live vs what we're experiencing in modern-day America.
-Why he decided to leave corporate America because of the bread and circuses it's creating to launch Paleo f(x) with his wife, Michelle Norris.
-His transition from the military to work for the corporate pharmaceutical industry with the mission to help people.
-The miserable emotions he and his wife were feeling living the "American Dream" to the point that they wondered if this dream was actually a lie.

[19:00] The War Inside Our Collective Consciousness

-Exploring the consciousness here in the 3D and where we actually are now in human history.
-The huge spike of people getting interested in plant medicine and psychedelics for deep-dive self-exploration and contemplation.
-His and Michelle's belief that the reason why everyone is all of a sudden interested in plant medicine is that the Universe is trying to wake up as many people as possible.
-The importance of getting curious and questioning what is happening around you especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

[27:00] Taking Back Our Power From The 1%

-Why cutting our connection to Mother Earth and the further we go is actually disconnecting us from both ourselves and our brothers and sisters.
-The power of decentralization to ensure that fewer and fewer people with a motive are able to control our leaders.
-Why it's so important to talk to people in real life about what's going on instead of allowing the mass media to hijack your thoughts.
-The forced division of racism that is being driven in society to control people's thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

[38:00] The Monumental Changes To Come in 2020

-The fact that there are 60 million people just in the USA who don't have a job or are in massive financial stress due to COVID-19.
-Why thresholds of pain like what COVID-19 has brought us can actually lead to something beautiful even if we cannot see it now.
-The financial struggles Keith and Michelle faced in 2008 with the recession and housing crisis.
-Important choices they had to make moving forwards including whether they should go back to work for corporate America or hold true to the course they set for themselves in 2006 which eventually led to Paleo f(x).

[46:00] The Courage To Speak Your Truth

-Why the phrase, 'new normal,' has been hijacked by those in power as propaganda to control us.
-How to not get caught in the idea that 'Zoom' is now the only way to communicate and face masks are now a part of daily life as the 'new normal.'
-The criteria that the government has put out for large events such as Paleo f(x) and how they're planning to work around it including hosting mini-events all over the USA.
-Why collaboration is key because no one is going to make it out of the mess that COVID-19 has caused alone.

[55:00] How To Know When To Fight Or Let Go

-The message he has received from plant medicine about when to know if it's time to fight for or to let go of something.
-How to listen to your intuition and innate intelligence to know where the truth and love are by sitting back, taking a breath, and not get caught up in the whirlwind around you.
-Why the emotion, anger (not irrational anger), can be a source of love if it's coming from a grounded, conscious, and centered place.
-The stage fright Keith has faced and how he has worked to overcome it on his own and with people such as Bo Eason to switch that sensation from fear to excitement.


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