Zach Bush MD: Saving The Soil, Saving Humanity | Wellness Force #Podcast

4 years ago

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ION*Gut Health is a gut-strengthening, brain-boosting mineral supplement sourced from 60-million-year-old soil that naturally supports microbiome balance.

To support the work of Dr Zach Bush, the most powerful step you can take right now is connecting with and supporting his non-profit organization, Farmer’s Footprint:

They’ve also recently launched a crowdfunding tool where you can support the acceleration of soil health through the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices by harnessing the power of giving within your own community. Watch the film and learn more at

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"The whole secret sauce of Farmer's Footprint is going to be to tell the narrative of healing at every level. We cannot extract the human health story from the planetary story anymore. It's so intermixed; you literally cannot create human health if we don't solve these agricultural systemic issues. In the same way, we can't solve the agricultural problems unless we come to understand the value of human life and start to reallocate the valuation of food correctly. It's really a failure to understand the value of life that's leading to the human behaviors that are driving the agricultural decisions that we're making."

Triple board-certified physician, Founder and CEO of ION*Biome, Zach Bush MD, returns to share how his company, Farmer's Footprint, is reuniting us with the soil for greater human health, how they're creating greater independence for farmers across the world, the connection between seeds and soil health plus how a strong immune system can combat disease, prevent rapid aging, and keep your body charged to heal faster.

How can you become a soil health advocate to help heal Mother Nature and save humanity?

Discover the real agriculture revolution and incredible resurgence in both health and vitality that is happening right now with Farmer's Footprint. 

Listen To Episode 362 As Zach Bush MD Uncovers:

(0:00) Start
(1:30) An Incredible Resurgence Of Health & Vitality
(16:00) How We Can Help Mother Nature & Humanity Heal
(21:00) A Real Agricultural Revolution
(30:30) How You Can Become A Soil Health Advocate
(36:00) The Future Of Business In A Supportive Ecosystem
(41:00) Seeds Have All The Magic
(46:00) The Secret Sauce of Farmer's Footprint

An Incredible Resurgence Of Health & Vitality

-Unpacking this convergence of soil and human health, our microbiome, and how Farmer's Footprint is creating greater independence for farmers.
-Breaking down the incredible co-dependence of decline in human biology as chemical companies continue to make products that make us sicker and sicker every year.

How We Can Help Mother Nature & Humanity Heal

-What steps we can start taking moving forward as a community to help Mother Nature and humanity heal.
-How Farmer's Footprint first set out to tell a story of the human health crisis and better understand the relationship between common household pesticides like Roundup and the decline of our wellbeing.

A Real Agricultural Revolution

-Why falling into the "anti-trap" and saying that the old narratives are wrong isn't helping us move forward and change as a society.
-What made Dr. Zach and Farmer's Footprint realize that they can't just be anti-glyphosate and anti-Roundup but they need to imagine a new future with decentralization as their focus.
-Explaining why decentralization should be the focus of every industry from the government to hospitals to nutrition to pharmaceuticals.

How You Can Become A Soil Health Advocate

-What positive changes you can start making by becoming a soil health advocate in your community.
-The power in farmers helping each other and how that is still present today in 70% of the world that is still being fed by peasant farming communities.

The Future Of Business In A Supportive Ecosystem

-What he envisions for the future of business and how brands can work together in a supportive ecosystem.

Seeds Have All The Magic

-Exploring what first steps we can take to eating healthier and creating a better world including growing a garden.

The Secret Sauce of Farmer's Footprint

-How Farmer's Footprint is helping farmers with whatever point they are at along their life journey.


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