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Crazy Plane Lady

1 year ago

A few months ago there was a very strange incident involving an airline passenger. What did she see? Who is trying to manage this situation? What are its implications for air travel safety?
See here for background: http://hpanwo.blogspot.com/2020/08/david-icke-portal.html.


  • 0/2000
  • Follow done . Please follow back

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  • It's all "an act" "syop" as they like to call it ie "the plane incident" Or the " person " she is referring to is a "clone " and she sensed it

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  • I notice the link you have provided is http only ( insecure) plus it says 'david icke portal 8/2020?? the date? is this link either talking about such incidents that occurred back then too? or is this another "run around" ie a syop? (excuse the spelling 😊) I tried the link and of course unable to open either because it says unsecured site OR "they" (you know who) don't want us to see it (come across this issue MANY times) says it all 👍💪🌷

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  • Hi Ben trying to listen to people on here now, so much more content!

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  • That's weird, thought I was following you, then it said I wasn't! Trying to watch most things over here now... YT is like a kiddies pre school with all the censorship, over here is like it used to be on YT FREE! breath of fresh air!!!! PEOPLE you really don't realise how narrow your content is on YT come over here, it's like they opened the doors of the prison and we can all run about again!!!!! Xx

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  • I'm now 67 yrs old, and when I was 17 I saw my mate literally turn into a wolf while he was sitting only 5 feet away from me, and I swear it had nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with the LSD Microdots we swallowed a few hours beforehand. This was in 1973, when there was still proper decent acid around...BTW I definitely do not encourage people to experiment with tripping of any kind...Ayahuasca; DMT; mushrooms, acid etc etc blah blah. It's all a big conjob.

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