Labour leaders tell Starmer to resign for betraying Gaza.

8 months ago

Labour leaders in two Labour run Councils tell Starmer to go as tensions escalate over his ceasefire stance.
Right, so Keir Starmer has caused so much anger within his party now, that matters have escalated to calls for him to resign. He has for weeks now staunchly stood by Israel’s right to defend itself, or defend herself as he puts it, the lobbyists line, backed Israel in committing war crimes before denying he ever said it, never apologising. He tried to make things better by going to a Muslim Centre and telling them to hand over the hostages, but not all Muslims are Hamas, or even Palestinian, and he caused more anger over his politicisation of that event, the centre having no clue this is what he’d later say. He never apologised for that either. He then went to Trevor Chinn funded Chatham House, the pro-Israel Blairite Labour donor Trevor Chinn. Starmer himself of course is Trevor Chinn funded, Chinn funds all manner of other pro Israel Labour politicians and institutions and is a chair of the Jewish Leadership Council. At Chatham House Starmer went on to give a speech again reinforcing Israel’s right to do what it is doing, refused to be drawn on whether they are committing war crimes or not, though of course had no problems not long ago accusing Putin on live TV of being a war criminal. 20 times as many civilians have been killed in 3 weeks in Gaza as have been killed in the entire Russia Ukraine conflict. So little wonder the calls for him to go have increased to the point we’re now at and still he won’t budge.
Right, so if Keir Starmer was hoping his ongoing interventions were going to calm things down and he’d get away with his pro-Israeli anti-ceasefire, his let’s give Gaza aid as long as Israel can target it attitude, then he’s very much mistaken as if anything things have continued to escalate. At least 36 Labour Councillors have now quit the Party and the more Starmer seems to come out and say on the matter the worse he makes things for himself and that’s no surprise really when his narrative never changes, he is still staunchly standing by Israel against Hamas and oh dear never mind the Palestinian civilians caught up in the crossfire, hi will not call for a ceasefire to help them, he seems to think we will believe him if he tells us everyone downing their weapons will lead to even more violence. He takes us for fools. A poll of Labour councillors yesterday showed that some 43% of them are dissatisfied with the Party position on Israel and Palestine, with some 37% of them satisfied with it. That’s especially notable when you consider Starmer has been purging the left from the party for years and Party representation, much like it’s membership will have become skewed rightwards over time, so it’s not like this is an obvious indicator of left wing disgust, this is across the party left to right. Let’s not forget who he’s being advised in all of this by though of course, Peter Mandelson, the Prince of Darkness resurrected from his Blairite crypt, where D:Reams Things Can Only Get Better plays on a loop and a poster of Blair with his biggest rictus grin just where he lays his head, right next to another picture of Jeffrey Epstein presumably.

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