Invite God Into the Suck

7 months ago

Episode 14 (Recorded on 7-14-2023) #overcomingobstacles #trustgod #keepgoing

In this episode, Kevin Gregg and Doug Riggle delve deep into the heart of what it means to invite God into our lives, especially during times of adversity. They share personal insights and experiences that highlight the importance of an ongoing, authentic relationship with God.
Doug begins by sharing a personal revelation. He talks about a post he recently shared on Instagram, where he encouraged people not to shy away from life's trials and challenges. Instead, he stressed the importance of leaning into them and seeing them as opportunities for growth.
Kevin reflects on how he has been treating his relationship with God. He confesses that he's been treating God like a "cubicle partner," someone he acknowledges occasionally but not someone he actively involves in his daily life. He admits to striving for success as if it were a distant reward, neglecting the vital, ongoing relationship with God that should be the real focus.
Doug and Kevin discuss the power of experiencing life with God as a constant companion. They emphasize the importance of inviting God into the "suck" of our lives, acknowledging that God wants to be there, not just during the good times but also during the challenging moments.
Kevin shares a personal story of working on a challenging project at Disneyland. He and his partner had to navigate a demanding rehearsal process, but the experience of going through it together made the journey more meaningful. This example serves as a reminder of how, just like we want friends to accompany us through life's trials, God wants to be that unwavering companion in our spiritual journey.
The conversation underscores the beauty of using one's experiences and pain to encourage others.

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