Left wing world leaders condemn Israel's inhuman attacks on Gaza

8 months ago

Left wing world leaders condemn Israeli atrocities where other leaders fail to, too many of them are too close to the regime.
Right, so whilst our leaders here insult our intelligence, pretend international law isn’t getting broken indiscriminately by Israel and frankly come out with vomit inducing levels of excuses and sycophancy for the apartheid state, there are world leaders calling this out. The first rumbles of this were coming from Spain as their Minister of Social Rights and General Secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra called out Israel in recent weeks, most recently telling the pro-Israeli European Union to cut ties with Israel amidst the atrocities going on. But she’s not alone and some other world leaders have gone a damn sight further, cutting ties and recalling their ambassadors, standing against the apartheid state, saying enough is enough and refusing point blank to entertain their excuses and let their atrocities slide any further.
Right so whilst our main party leaders seemingly contort themselves into whatever position they think makes them most attractive to the apartheid regime of Benjamin Netanyahu, other leaders, better leaders frankly, we do keep letting ourselves be led by the least amongst us as they are not only calling Israel out for the atrocities they are committing, but are following that up with action too. Ione Belarra was one of the first to garner public attention to the fact some politicians in the West were actually condemning Israel, when just the other day she took on the European Union’s pro-Israel attitudes, denouncing them utterly and saying in no uncertain terms that Netanyahu should be at the International Criminal Court. Absolutely, drag him to The Hague. Like here and many other countries Spain has held demonstrations against Israel, in solidarity with Palestine, and on one such March a few days ago, Belarra said: ‘Today we are here accompanying the people of our country and also all of those who are demanding that this planned genocide, this ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people done by the state of Israel end once and for all. We think all European leaders, including ours, are not up to the task or don’t grasp the severity of the circumstances. We don’t want to be complicit in this planned genocide and we think Europe has to act urgently. I think Europe is going to pay dearly, very dearly for this hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of preaching human rights around the world and then, when you have to stand up for them, when you have to live up to them, we do absolutely nothing.’ She’s not wrong and she’s certainly showing no discrimination herself, attacking her own government as well as the EU, even though she’s a Minister in that government.

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