65yrs old now PULL-UPS 1-8r 🎥, MONDAY OCTOBER 23 -

7 months ago

PULL-UPS 1-8r 🎥,
MONDAY OCTOBER 23 - 1st Training session after our trip, still tired
Beet Root done
Pre w/o done
Time for some weight training. Haven't decided if I'm filming & sharing since your not motivated or inspired by old guys out working young studs
PULL-UPS 1-8r 🎥, 2- 9r 🎥, 3- 9r 🎥, 4-9r 🎥, 5-9r 🎥
Let's see how pressing goes
MILITARY PRESS - 1-125x5r, 2-135x5r 🎥, 145x3r 🎥,
150x1r 🎥 That was hard, not increasing today
BENCH PRESS-1-205x5r+210+215+220+230x1r,
2-225x1+1failed 🎥, 3-dropped to 205x7r 🎥, 4-205x6r, 5-207.5x5r 🎥 6-207.5x5r 🎥, 7-207.5x5r 🎥
So adding Kettlebell lateral and Seated DB press
KETTLEBELL LATERALS- 15lbx25r, 20lbx15r
SEATED DB PRESS - 65lbx14r, 65x13r

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