Women, what are some questions you’ve always wanted to ask men, but were too embarrassed? #men

1 year ago

Do you use that opening in your boxers/briefs to pee, or do you just pull down the top of your boxers/briefs? That little opening just doesn’t seem that useful. Thank you in advance.
Honestly, how thoroughly do you wipe your butt? What about cleaning it in the shower?And uhh unrelated, how open are you to the idea of prostate massages/any kind of sexual attention being paid to your asshole? If you're straight, do you ever include any of that in masturbation? would it feel weird/ uncomfortable if a partner wanted to?
Imma keep it real, I did not think my balls were that interesting lmao
How often do you really cry? What makes you cry?
When you use the toilet, does your weenie just hang into the toilet? Do you rest it on the seat? Do you ever get poop splash on your ween?
You like cuddling after sex just as much as we do, don’t you? Don’t lie.
Do you ever worry about what your friends think of the attractiveness of your girlfriend/wife? Like are you ever worried that people you know don’t find her good looking or judge you for being with her? (This question is obviously coming straight from my insecurities lol.)
Someone probably already asked this, but is it hard/difficult to shave your balls?
Can you feel our boobs when we hug?
Does a woman’s height matter? What about weight? Is using urinals when they’re all full but there’s one left, is it awkward? Do you mind a little hair down there (even if it’s nicely trimmed and short)?
What are some of your thoughts on girls making the first move?
Do y'all enjoy late night chats as much as girls do or it annoys y'all if it's very often?
I can’t think of a question that hasn’t been asked already. I just wanted to make it a point to say that I’ve spent probably two hours reading through this thread. To all of you men who have participated, thank you. You’ve made me laugh and some of you have honestly made me feel better about myself. You guys are awesome.
is it true you really get random boners?
what the flock do you do with someone’s balls during sex
are you as judgmental over our bodies as we are?
Are all boobies good boobies?
I’m with someone who buys me flowers to make me smile - what would be something I could do similarly for him that is nonsexual that would brighten his day?
Do pussies generally taste / smell appealing?
Do men like it when females (friend/girlfriend) tell you they feel safe around you?
Does what our vaginas look like truly matter to you? Like girls having longer lips and such. I’ve always felt incredibly self conscious about guys going down on me even if guys have never mentioned it before.Edit: Strangers on the internet finally made me feel good about my body.
Is it true that guys generally hesitate or avoid going up to and talking women that are super attractive? I mean like a 9 or a 10/10? Is attractiveness/appearance something that makes you stall when “shooting your shot†?
What does it feel like to run with no underwear on. Does it just flop around? Does it hurt? Does the bouncing get you hard?
From my significant other "what does my pussy feel like"
What does and erection feel like?
How much does height matter in attraction?
What makes you really like a girl?
Do you guys wipe your dick after you go pee? Or do you just shake it, assume it’s good, then put it back in your pants?? Doesn’t that leave a little bit of pee in the tip? Why would you do that instead of just taking a bit of toilet paper and dabbing your ween?**EDIT:** I don’t mean wiping your dick like you’d wipe your ass, I’m realizing now that “wipe†was the wrong word lmfao
This comment section is the most wholesome one I've seen, and it's mostly about dicks.

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