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How to Interpret the News

1 year ago

In this October 28, 2023, presentation for Faith Baptist Church in Springdale, Arkansas, Dr. Hixson explains how to interpret what we hear and see on the mainstream news in light of Bible prophecy.
Kindle version of Dr. Hixson's books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B00J4BEHSC/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=091a5547-7961-4300-b0f4-ffd1bcfbfecf&store_ref=ap_rdr&ref_=ap_rdr
Trailer for the new book: https://rumble.com/v3ehnm3-spirit-of-the-false-prophet-promotional-video.html
Spirit of the False Prophet, Dr. Hixson's newest book: http://www.notbyworks.org/Spirit-Of-The-False-Prophet
Spirit of the Antichrist Volume One and Volume Two, click here: https://www.notbyworks.org/Spirit-Of-The-Antichrist-books
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The complete Spirit of the Antichrist series containing all 18 messages is available here: https://nbwministries.myshopify.com/products/spirit-of-the-antichrist-dvd-set. It contains 10-discs, 18 messages, and 14+ hours of video. All 18 videos are also available as streaming downloads here https://nbwministries.myshopify.com/products/copy-of-spirit-of-the-antichrist-the-gathering-cloud-of-deception-dvd-set.
Also, see Dr. Hixson's companion book What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times, available here:
And check out the Not By Works online store for books, DVDs, and other resources: https://nbwministries.myshopify.com/
For more information about the Gospel and how to have eternal life, see Dr. Hixson's book (2020) Top Ten Reasons Some People Go to Hell: And the One Reason No One Ever Has To! available here https://nbwministries.myshopify.com/products/top-ten-reasons-some-people-go-to-hell
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  • 0/2000
  • I'm still going to vote. So many have sacrificed life and limb to give us that right. As Christians we should do what's right and leave the rest up to God.

  • Outstanding commentary, information & discussion, greetings from Texas 🙏

  • Read the three wars by Albert Pike written in 1877, how all of these wars are planned by the Devil. However what the devil means for evil, it only fulfills the Holy Scriptures.

    1 like
  • Now that Tucker has been tossed from Fox...are his words now his own or controlled?

    1 like
  • Excellent teaching! Thank you. God bless

    1 like
  • nancy grace, a lawyer! glad she has never been my fav!

  • ya janet parshall is touting speaker as a christian on friday show, should we be wary of her?

  • I can't say for sure about the federal level, but I know several of my state officials and those election choices matter to my state. State's rights and who is your local sheriff matter. They can (and have in some states) protect citizens of their state by fighting against federal over-reach. Voting is a civic duty, even if some of the votes we cast can't over-ride the "selection". Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

  • Excellent! Except according to Bible prophecy you are incorrectly interpreting Daniel 9. https://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception_Jesus_70-week_prophecy_Daniel#!