19 Life Lessons I've Learned in 19 Years

8 months ago

19 life lessons that I have learned in my 19 years so far.

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0:00 Intro
1:05 Don't wait for the perfect time
2:18 Be unrealistic in your dreams
3:16 You are the G.O.A.T
4:56 Trust God
6:02 Repeat Authority
7:02 Consistency over intensity
8:21 Family and health is everything
10:33 Specialize then generalize
12:55 Sleep is your weapon
14:01 Be self fulfilled
16:35 Silence is not a waste of time
17:57 Finishing is important
19:00 Past doesn't exist
20:40 Being unbalanced is okay
21:41 Nobody is saving you
22:34 Nobody cares
24:11 Keep school out of your life
25:50 Everybody is normal
26:44 Why not?


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#life #lifelessons #selfimprovement

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