#151 ⛺ Exodus 24-27 God's Holy Tabernacle 🧈🗃️🕯️⠀

1 year ago

God confirms His covenant with the Israelites in the wilderness. Then God shows Moses on His mountain the blueprints and plans for building His Tabernacle, where God will reside with these people. God's tent house was very fancy, using materials like fine linens, gold, silver, bronze, perfumes, royal colors of red, purple, blue, and so forth. It was a marvelous task of building His people to participate in building His house so that God would dwell with them. He trained his chosen priests to perform the sacrifices and sanctify the people within his temple. This would have been a wonderous site to see when it was all completed. The inner court was holy of holies, and the outer court was where people could gather. The priests had specific duties to maintain the temple. It would have been impossible for the Israelites to perform all those highly skilled craftsmanship without God providing each with the knowledge, talents, and skills to complete them.

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