End Times Most People Dont Realize

8 months ago

Urgent Prophetic End Time Message for the Body of Christ. End Times Most People Dont Realize This. So this will be an end times prophetic word on how to handle the dark days ahead.

As we see things beginning to heat up worldwide. And the world becoming more and more unstable. We have multiple nations at war and rumors of wars. End times signs point to Israel which is now at war. The united states is more divided then at any point. And things are more unstable then at any point in my life. So How do we navigate these times? And do it with faith, confidence, peace and hope instead of fear, anxiety and hopelessness? You can call this an end times sermon. So i am going to be releasing a series of videos on the end times. Which i believe God has given me straight forward prophetic insight for navigating the times. This message that is going to bless you and set you at ease. So you will be able to face the end times with ease and confidence.

The book of Revelation also gives us the keys to why most present day Christians are overwhelmed by the culture and the world around us. In the book of revelation chapter 13 explains the Beast coming to forefront in human history. This system of the Antichrist and the beast is already at work in the world. It is shaping culture and the nations of the earth. Satan is using the system of the beast to cut believers off by any means possible from a living relationship with Jesus. This means we as believers must resist the over come the beast expressed through the culture. So we can see clearly how the system of the beast threatens the church and absorbs Christians in our day. Revelation 13 explained.

Os Guiness wrote this: "Due to a combination of capitalism, technology, and modern communications, the most powerful civilization ever- A global culture - has been formed. This global culture is the beast that threatens to shallow us in these days. The core values of the beast in the 21st century screams at us from computers, billboards, Tv's, Movies, music, schools, newspapers, magazines and iPhones". Like the Christians in the first century that the book of Revelation was written too. They were surrounded by these powerful forces that threatened their relationship with God. So we live unaware that we live in a culture shaped by the beast.
The main culprit is the mainstream media. They get viewers by playing into our fears. Because fears sell. Everyone seems to like train wrecks.
Youtubers are great at this. And preachers too. Using titles, thumbnails and fearful titles to suck us in. Like ww3 is happening right now.

So this is my warning to you to not get sucked into the system of the beast. Becoming too focused on what is going on in the world. Too focused on the end times. Because it cuts you off from a devotional life with Jesus which is the foundation to build our lives upon. I want to save you from falling into this trap. End Times Prophecy

I'm going to be releasing more videos. On handling the end times with peace and confidence. Because unfortunately things are going to get worse. The ship of this world is sinking. This world is going to go up in flames. But we have hope because Jesus is the king of kings and lord of lords. And he is in control. And will set everything right. His government will know no end. Must hear end times prophetic word.

#endtimes #propheticword #sermon


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😎About Josh:

BS Degree from NYU in Counseling
MA Degree Theology Equivalent from Bethel University (Not Bethel Redding) and ORU University
Studied Inner Healing and Deliverance at Orbis School of Ministry Run by Ken Fish
Graduate of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Mini MBA Program

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