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The Why

1 year ago

Ever since I was a little boy, as far back as I can remember, I always questioned the why to it all. It ultimately led me to the truth in Jesus Christ. It led me to seek out God. On a journey that would open my eyes in this life. I have always been different and all these years later it clicks. Just sharing some thoughts today, and wondering if some of you can relate. Maybe some of you have similar stories to share. God bless the body of Christ.

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  • Thank you for such a beautiful testimony. My walk to discover our Lord and Saviour is similar to yours. It still boggles my mind how easy it is to find him if one is truly sincere in their search. Atheists and non believers don't understand He is waiting outside their doors. Hoping and praying they will open it and invite Him in! His love and mercy is beyond conpare. I pray as we get closer to these end times that more will realize this and open that door. His love is pure and simple! I cannot thank Him enough for not giving up on such a wretch as me. I am completely unworthy of Him, yet He still chose to save me. I have humbly submitted myself to Him and now walk daily in His words. I still have a lot of work to do on myself. Yet I know with His help and guidance I will get to where he wants me to be and become who He has always meant me to be. God bless you and all praise to our Heavenly Father Abba! 🙏❤️‍🔥

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