Steve McQueen by Sheryl Crow ~ The Truth About the White Hats & Being John Galted

1 year ago

If you wish to see the Whole of my Decode of this Brilliant Song by Sheryl Crow, then watch the beginning of Part Four of the Series on Donald Trump and The Greatest Sting Operation of All is the link...

The Video for this Song was created by Sheryl Crow, which tells us that Sheryl Crow is not only a White Hat and a Patriot, but that she is likely of the Bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene...and during this Video, she reveals her Origins, her Purpose or 'Role' within this White Hat Production of 'The Takedown of the Cabal, and the Significance of the White Hat Actor, Steve McQueen, with his being a Powerful Role Model to us, a Bad-Ass to the Canaanites, and someone who had to be 'John Galted' by the Whites Hats, to keep the Cabal from Murdering him...

EVERY SINGLE ASPECT to this Video, and the Lyrics, are COMMS for us to Decode, and then Slowly piece together, so that we can come to See and begin to INNERSTAND this Perfect Plan of God, and the Role that the Freemasons had in INFILTRATING the Cabalistic Industries, such as the Music Industry and Hollywood, so that their Beautiful Messages of Love, of Truth and of Life could resonate thru us over the years, giving us Hope and Strength, so that we would Choose to Carry On, and NOT Give Up in the Face of Never-ending Evil...

So, Take your Time with this Video, watch it a few times, and begin to SEE this Powerful Message of Truth in Plain Sight from Cheryl Crow, a Freemason, and how, as she says in the Video, 'The West was Won'...because this Music Video reveals to us, the Plan of Plans, the Takedown of Takedowns, and how the White Hats Removed the Greatest Evil the World has ever known, from existence...

Sit back, Relax, and be Prepared to have your MIND BLOWN...Enjoy!

Love, CF

Be sure to Subscribe to Charlie's Page on, so that you can Watch our brand new Series entitled, The Deep Dive with Charlie Freak, where we explore Subjects that other platforms simply will NOT allow, with Episode #1, The Truth about Adolf Hitler's Germany...

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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