Charlie Freak LIVE ~ Donald Trump & the Greatest Sting Operation of them All, Part 4 The Finale...

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Charlie Freak LIVE ~ Donald Trump & the Greatest Sting Operation of them All, Part 4 The Finale...

6:00pm PST, 8:00pm CST, 9:00pm EST, 2:00am UK Time, 3:00am SAST, 11:00am Sydney Australia, 1:00pm Wellington NZ

Get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, October 21st, at 8pm CST, is the FINALE of our Big Show Series that Reveals how 'The Donald' pulled the Shocker of the Century and Fooled the Fake Jew International Bankers into Thinking he was the Greatest Business Man of All Time, plus a Womanizer, a Liar and a Cheat, you know, Just Like THEM…

On Tonight’s Show, we Reveal how Trump kept ’Testing the Waters’ on Running for President for two reasons…One, to let us know that his run for President was Coming, and to be taken seriously, and Two, to make it look like, to the Cabal, that he was ONLY BLUFFING, and just using all of this ‘Free Press’ to bolster his Image amongst the Public, so that he could recover from the Nineties, a Decade of Major Economic Setbacks, Relationship Troubles, and a General Feeling of Disappointment surrounding ’The Donald’...

Once Fooled, Trump then got these Cabalistic Bankers to OVER EXTEND on his Capital Investments, and then he brought them to their Knees when he acquired the Taj Majal, and spent a Fortune Making it Over, and Finishing it, so that 'The Taj' could Open as the Biggest Money Loser in History, forcing these Bankers and their Banks to their Knees, as Trump had Now become TOO BIG TO FAIL, and as such, these Banking Scum had NO OTHER CHOICE but to Ride Out Trump's 'Bad Financial Times', which NEVER ENDED…

The Result? Trump and the Q Team USED the Canaanites to Fork over their Illegally acquired Money to 'The White Hats', who then used these Funds to Build, Acquire and Renovate their BASES of OPERATIONS for the Q Team on the East Coast of America…

Talk about The Apprentice becoming the Master, Trump SOLD his Act as a Raving Ego-Maniac, Libido-Driven, Businessman, which the Cabal LOVED, and then Trump used their own Funds to TAKE THEM DOWN…

Game, Set and Match…

Q Team One/Won, Canaanites ZERO…

See You Tonight for this Amazing Finale...

Love, CF

Be sure to Subscribe to Charlie's Page on, so that you can Watch our brand new Series entitled, The Deep Dive with Charlie Freak, where we explore Subjects that other platforms simply will NOT allow, with Episode #1, The Truth about Adolf Hitler's Germany...

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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