Here's your reminder that pharmaceutical companies, MSM and health authorities don't ...

8 months ago

Here's your reminder that pharmaceutical companies, MSM and health authorities don't care about you, don't want to help you, and want you silenced and censored if you speak out against them and their criminal racket.
This is the story of Maddie de Garay who was in the Pfizer clinical trial and got severely injured and nearly died. The clip is from Senator Johnson’s presentation with the families of the vaccine injured, where her mom explained what happened to her and the health issues she experienced from the mRNA vaccine trial. She had recurrent seizures from brain damage, bowel problems, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss, headaches, brain fog, speech problems, fainting, and numerous other issues directly caused by the COVID vaccine, which have now confined her to a wheelchair and tube feeding.
Even more criminally egregious and demonstrative of a conspiracy against humanity in trying to hide these stories, the Pfizer safety evaluation group submitted to the FDA that her only side effect is was having a “stomachache”. How many other injuries went unreported? How many deaths were labelled as being caused as something other than the vaccine? How many of the scientists were in on the lie? How many officials at the FDA knew they lied and approved anyways?
These are the most important questions which have broad implications on everything else happening right now and just how deep these anti-human agendas really go and why they are doing this.
Any government that can facilitate, allow, and systematically cover up such horrific evils and corruption to happen to their own people, especially a child, for the benefit of a pharmaceutical corporation and it's profit and the protection of the bad actors responsible, is a government that is captured by criminals and directly culpable in crimes against humanity, and should not be trusted on anything else ever again, especially war propaganda.
The more you dig into their associations, belief systems, and motives, the more you will begin to understand that they're in a genuine depopulation death cult and have no problem maiming and murdering children.

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