Starmer meets South Wales Muslims and starts an Islamophobia row.

8 months ago

Keir Starmer's visit to a South Wales Muslim community was self serving damage limitation that has caused more harm.
Right, so Keir Starmer has been in South Wales over the last few days doing the showing his face thing ahead of a none too distant future general election. He’s been at Port Talbot steelworks to talk about the future of steel under a future Labour government, green steel, but one other notable trip was to the South Wales Islamic Centre, a blatant attempt to appear to be on the side of Muslims and certainly the pictures published imply they were pleased to see him, so much so in fact, that they felt it necessary to issue some context to the visit, in light of Starmer’s blatant taking of sides in this most recent conflict in the decades long oppression of Palestinians by Israel.
Right so, Keir Starmer whilst in Wales on his little flesh pressing exercise went to visit the South Wales Islamic Centre to meet with the Muslim Community there and given everything he has said publicly over the last week or so, from saying Israel has a right to withdraw water and power from Gaza, thereby advocating for a war crime to be committed, before backpeddling on it saying he didn’t mean that, to flat out denying he ever said it despite the LBC clip of him very much saying it still widely being circulated under the heading, this is how much of a liar Keir Starmer is, watch with your own eyes, listen with your own ears, this was very much an obvious attempt at placating Muslims to whom great offence has been caused by him and his party up and down this country and certainly not helped at all by his ban on showing solidarity with Palestinians and with Muslims at demos whilst he clearly consented for one of his own shadow ministers to address a pro Israel rally as covered in my last video. But here was a clear attempt to try and gain back some of the lost ground, see off any more councillor resignations or worse potentially and show he does care about the Muslim community, or rather he cares about the political fallout he’s created and is desperate to win back some brownie points. A tweet emerged, with several glowing piccies from the event, shaking hands, smiling faces, everyone looking very happy and Starmer’s accompanying text read: ‘I was grateful to hear from the Muslim community of the South Wales Islamic Centre. I repeated our calls for all hostages to be released, more humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, for the water and power to be switched back on, and a renewed focus on the two state solution.’ Now, even this he’s managed to screw up. He’s given the impression here, that he’s gone to South Wales, spoken to some Muslims and demanded they hand over the Hamas hostages. It’s horribly badly phrased, says nothing about what he might actually have spoken about, because clearly these people in South Wales do not hold Israeli hostages, from what I’ve been told the community there in Cardiff are mainly, though I daresay not exclusively of Yemeni heritage, so seemingly he’s not even addressed Palestinians here, not in the main at least.

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