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Growing in understanding

1 year ago

I think people mean well when they say things like this, but I think it can cause some of us to doubt even more - It can make us think that God isn’t in something that He most definitely is - And let’s face it sometimes we need pruning, redirection, transplanting…the list goes on, those things don’t feel good and are often quite confusing, but they are all things a good father will do for our good and our growth - God is good, that’s the one thing I can hold onto when I question or when I am confused - God doesn’t change, He is Faithful, loving and Just and I know during difficult seasons that He is indeed working and it will ultimately be for my good - I am glad to know that He has a purpose and a calling for my life, but I’m even more happy to know that I am His child and He is my good Father whom can trust and He loves me💕


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