Starmer lets a shadow minister speak at a PRO-ISRAEL rally!

10 months ago

Pro Palestine rallies are still banned by Labour Party diktat, but hypocrite Starmer has no problems with pro Israel events.
Right, so Keir Starmer is continuing to cause ire in the Labour Party ranks by clamping down on the free speech and freedom of expression of Labour elected officials, along with ordinary members if they get caught, by saying there will be consequences for attending any pro-Palestine rallies, if caught likely resulting in suspension and a probable expulsion judging by the heavy-handedness of his regime on party discipline. Of course this has appalled and disgusted many, who have resigned from the party as a direct consequence of this diktat, of Starmer taking the side of Israel, Zionist without qualification such that he is. Of course he has tried to backpedal on this somewhat, denying that he ever advocated for war crimes against Palestine, despite us all hearing it on a radio interview, but the one thing he never rowed back on, was that ban on Labour officials attending those demonstrations for Palestine, he hasn’t budged an inch there and what will cause even more hell up now, is the news that at a pro Israel rally, not only was an elected official allowed to go, but an actual shadow minister not only went, but was a speaker at the event. If Starmer wants to give the impression he gives the slightest whiff of a s**t about Palestine, he’s failing utterly.
Right, so the diktat, nobody is allowed to go to a Palestine demonstration or else, so said the letter from Starmer’s miserable sidekick and Labour General Secretary David Evans and the main sentence to take away from that was: ‘There will be a number of protests and demonstrations taking place over the weekend. Elected representatives have been given strong advice not to attend any of these events…’ Of course a great many went anyway, people in their thousands protesting in London, Liverpool, Glasgow and more, many will have been Labour members at the very least and certainly a now ousted Labour MP, though no less a representative of the movement in Jeremy Corbyn was a speaker and as always he gave it the beans, particularly taking aim at Rishi Sunak and Joe Biden for their complete acquiescence to one side of the conflict when you don’t achieve peace by saying you want one side to win. Both UK and US leaders have been obnoxious idiots about this. Starmer is equally as bad if not worse on this matter though, as many of his own councillors and council leaders, those who haven’t resigned in disgust at him yet have complained, many with large Muslim communities, how can we show support for these communities, with these people who voted for us, if you won’t let us support them? And others taking a more hardline tone towards the party leader demanding he start showing some sympathy towards Palestinians too. Well if they had money to lobby him like Israel do, if they had funded his leadership campaign, like Israel lobbyists did, perhaps he would. Everything to do with Starmer seems to come with a price tag and if you can afford him, he’ll back whatever policy you like, if you don’t like this position he has others. Same with principles.

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