i trust that God has a plan n eventually i will understand

8 months ago

i play these a lot
you wish you were this confident
i don't have to be pretty cos i'm interesting
i'm not concerned about my camera work at all
it's so bad that it could be good
don't chu dare tell me to try to be you
i relish being a sponge
why do you think it has to be explained
who are we to think that we have to know why
He doesn't disappoint
God is just the best
you insist on being clever instead of keeping it simple
you could wake up every day having Someone to turn to
it's not my place to put you in yer place
we're equal in a way
it took a lotta pain n anguish to be where i am today
all this hardship n heartache that i couldn't fake if i tried
surrounded by the stupidest people all my life
they're reacting cos they're not doin diddley squat that matters
i do this regardless of its' documentation
i can't help this cynicism, sari

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