How badly are the Tories going to lose the next election?

8 months ago

The Tories are going to lose. Nothing seems likely to stop that, but how badly? Are we witnessing the end of the party?
Right, so the by-election failures by the Tories this week, despite media narrative squealing about a Labour landslide, actually showed that the Labour vote stood still, whilst the Tory vote completely collapsed, with tens of thousands of Tory voters staying at home and let’s face it, if they aren’t turning out, you can’t win and it doesn’t matter how much you rig the electoral system, you can’t force people to actually vote. It’s a shocker actually, because Tory voters are usually united by their own greed and that’s why they so reliably show up and vote, that’s why the party of personal greed has lasted for as long as it has, the Tory Party is built on pure selfishness, so what has changed? What has shifted since the last election and is there any chance yet of them avoiding what looks like an extinction level event and why should we care anyway?
Right, so two by-elections in different parts of the country, both Tory safe seats, both lost to Labour and the reason being people stayed at home. I went into this in my analysis video last Friday, I’m not going to repeat the results again here, but we have this party that has existed since 1832, built on greed, driven by selfishness losing seats that never change hands. Tamworth was originally Labour when it was created in 1997, but was lost by Gordon Brown and had become an every increasingly safe Tory seat thereafter, Mid Bedfordshire however has existed since 1918, and aside from the old Liberal Party wins back in the 1920’s, has been solidly Tory, until now. Greed and having a self-serving nature is no longer enough to get the Tory vote out it seems, though of course, a by-election protest is not the same as staying at home en masse for a General Election when the party who forms the next government is at stake, yet still the Tories are despairing over these results and well they might. If their voters are choosing to stay at home rather than endorse what they’ve become, then there’s no longer any such thing as a safe Tory seat. We’ve already seen some 50 odd Tory MPs announce they are stepping down at the next election, the most recent apparently set to quit is current Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, things now looking so ropey for him in Surrey – I’ll repeat that – Surrey, leafy ever so reliably Tory voting Surrey, Stokebroker country Surrey – enough emphasis now? So ropey for him in Surrey, that he’s expected to announce he’s stepping down, unable to face the prospect of losing his seat publicly. The natural place to look to apportion blame for this is current leader Rishi Sunak, who is a completely wet behind the years embarrassment, an utterly useless weakling, completely owned by the hard right of his party who are very much in the driving seat policy wise, pushing culture wars as the only thing they have left to offer, but as useless as he is, he’s not the one totally at fault for the Tories ailing fortunes.

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