Why can’t Starmer just say sorry for backing war crimes?

8 months ago

Keir Starmer will not apologise for saying Israel can turn water and power off to Gaza and it's damaging Labour a lot.
Right, so the fallout from Keir Starmer, AKA War Crimes Keith, for his comments on LBC, which we’ve all heard, where he told Nick Ferrari that Israel does have the right to cut off electricity and water when that was specifically put to him, has been huge. At the time I covered it in another video some dozen Councillors had resigned, that has risen and it isn’t just councillors quitting either. What hasn’t helped have been the actions by the party since, a letter to councillors trying to clarify their position which was ridiculed, followed by confirmation that the party diktat on banning elected officials attending pro Palestine rallies was still in place, Starmer being put on the spot in an interview himself now denying he ever said he backed Israel committing a war crime, which we all heard him do, so he’s decided the best course of action is to keep on lying about it and now this morning confirmation that there will be no apology. There will be more resignations then. With the Tories on their backsides more than ever in their party history, why is Starmer determined to help them out by scandalising himself unnecessarily and not just say sorry?
Right, so Keir Starmer once said in the run up to be Labour leader that the buck would always stop with him. Well, he lied about everything else he stood for, why not that too? When have you ever heard him apologise for a mistake? Never. It’s always been someone else’s fault, so they cop the flak. This time however, he can’t do that. He was asked a question, he answered it in the worst way imaginable, he has nobody to blame, so instead, he’s flat out denying he ever said it. I’ll remind you of those words. Nick Ferrari asked him: ‘A siege is appropriate? Cutting off power, cutting off water Sir Keir?’ To which he received the answer: ‘I think that Israel does have that right. It is an ongoing situation. Obviously everything should be done within international law, but I don’t want to step away from the sort of core principles that Israel has a right to defend herself and Hamas bears responsibility for these terrorist acts and I would call on all responsible states, particularly Middle East responsible states, to call this out for what it is and to stand with the world in condemning these actions by Hamas.’ Israel has that right, to cut off power and water, his words. He might have tried to caveat that by saying everything should be done within international law, but as a human rights lawyer he should know such acts that he had just advocated were war crimes and therefore impossible to be within international law. He either screwed up, which warrants an apology and a retraction, or he didn’t know the relevant law cast further doubt on his already dubious legal career, but especially in human rights as this was supposedly his specialism. That should at the very least warrant an apology as well. So however you read this, the decent, humane thing to do is hold your hands up to it, say sorry, fully retract and move on.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo kernow damo,kernowdamo,keir starmer on israel,starmer on palestine,crispin blunt,damo rants,israeli war crimes,keir starmer,jeremy corbyn,starmer palestine,keir starmer palestine,damo,israel war crimes,keir starmer gaza,damo kernow,gaza church,husam zomlot,jeremy corbyn palestine,keir starmer israel,israel apartheid,gaza war crimes,apartheid israel,starmer war crimes,starmer apology,say sorry starmer,lisa nandy,victoria derbyshire

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