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EXCLUSIVE With Hunted Islamic Expert Brother Rachid: 'Muslims Will Be the Majority, They Will Govern the West'

1 year ago

Read the full story at RAIR Foundation USA: EXCLUSIVE With Hunted Islamic Expert Brother Rachid: 'Muslims Will Be the Majority, They Will Govern the West' (Video Interview) https://rairfoundation.com/exclusive-with-hunted-islamic-expert-brother-rachid-muslims-will-be-the-majority-they-will-govern-the-west-video-interview/


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  • Axiom: in every jurisdiction where Muslims are a minority they demand civil rights, but in every jurisdiction in which they are the majority there are no civil rights.

  • 2 Timothy3:1-7....The West betrayed by "SILLY WOMEN" ...see them marching for Islamic power in the streets of North America, led by deceivers from OUR universities for the fake state of "Palestine"...they don't realize these people will slit the throats of their enemies...it is their faith...they despise women and "gays"...read their books and listen to their teachers when they are at liberty to tell their REAL truth.

  • Watch on youtube: "Why we are afraid; 1400 year secret"...since the 7th century they have destroyed dozens of civilizations and MADE THEM Islamic by the sword...they are as intolerant as the most oppressive marxist nations...both are to be fought against with all our courage and understanding. Tyranny is their ONLY characteristic...Hate is their banner...women and children are their chattel.

  • Great brother in Christ, but most will not heed his warning unfortunately. Where I live droves of muslims have popped up over the last few years, and they want to have nothing to do with Americans. None of them should be allowed to live here.

  • Allah hates people and wants them dead or on their knees to him...God loves people and died to save them and rause them up...period.

  • YouTube protect these Muslim leeches and criminals who want to impose their 6th century fantasy horror book

  • Excellent interview. Saw you several weeks ago on the PDB Podcast. Thanks for spreading the word. We all need to work together on this crisis.

  • 🤔 How many former Muslims do we need to hear before we wake up.. Wokesters are in a DEEP SLEEP...from which they may never really awake. Jesus has awakened many Myslims to see the depravity of the hatred of their moon god toward all humanity...they even kill one another...it is the French Revolution on steroids.

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  • Death To Islam Death To Iran (and ALL of it's subordinates, enablers and sympathizers) The only good moo slime is a ⚰️ one. #AmericaFirst

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  • white, black and Asians must stick togeter and take out islam, now! do what we gotta do and let God sort them out

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  • With a PhD in Religois Studies from Purdue, I think I know my Islam. Forget Islam all together. When you bomb and starve and sanction and kill and maim for 70 years, those people, regardless of Religion will retaliate. When they retaliate, the US Media, Totally controlled by a very dangerous sect of Judaism, televises that horrific event as an UNPROVOKED TERRORIST ATTACK. I have watched it for 70 years. 12 years ago, J joined professor Pope )university of Chicago) and with grad students help, Wd gathered 305 suicide attacks committed by “Muslims”. None of them. Not a Single attack was motivated by Islam or any religion. They all had one thing in common they were fine in retaliation for Western “Democracies” bombing their homeland TOTALLY unprovoked. James Forestall was the first and last politician to take a stand against Israel until A Very Brave Jimmy Carter did. Forestall was thrown out and through a 16-story window and Carter lost the next election and stupid people refer to him as a bad president. lol. The ignorance is astounding. Bite me

  • I am an officer in the Baptist-Arab Christian Alliance Against Israel. Wr do not support their foreign policy and we pressure for reform. In 1949, James Forestall SECDEF told Truman to stop listening to Israel and not to make enemies out of the Arab World. They threw our first SECDEF out a 16-story Window at the hospital. Ruled suicide. Since my Pentagram had been killing Arabs ( estimate almost 80 million so far ) since Israel’s inception, it’s hard to gain their trust but once you have them you have a friend for life. I think Chuck Schumer likes small boys !!

  • Bill Gates screwed a 22 year old Chess player from Russia. Melinda knows it and that’s the divorce. But Russian girls are true ti Russia so Putin has proof too. He’s just above using that kind of trash. Besides, he is boinking a 36 year old Olympic medalist . Biden walkers all over Jill until everything starts stinking ! Melanie locked in Trumps money by pushing Baron out of her womb . She doesn’t touch him any more. Not a chance. And her family came here on the fast train. Heck, Rupert Murdock flew into DC, went to the white House and signed his dual citizenship papers in Reagan’s office and left. No waiting. No application. Nothing. Just rich snd water tj help destroy America while getting rich

  • do what we gotta do and let God sort them out, FxCK islam