it's demonic to go along w/ a system that you know is evil

8 months ago

ag wrong again, it was not an aveo it was a shark, which i haven't even heard of (but it was actually a chevy)
crying about a problem that you created yourself
every time i am reminded of this problem i get upset
yet another thing that i ruined
all the shit we screw up cos our timing is off
believe it or not i'm way more careful than i used to be
can you see my mustache?
i spy: ag's hole in her face from former lip piercing
mental ills ain't concerned about "time"
we don't live in a box
westernites have trained themselves to "enjoy" living in a box
i love me some sensible chaos
useful idiots vs. useful geniuses
they hate nick cos he's not a jesuit
man, i look like shit
all americans do is grasp at straws
once again, sheep
i shoulda just trusted my 5yr old self

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