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Ava's Story

1 year ago

On the 18th October 2023 Ava O'Brien should be receiving her Junior Cert results. Sadly she will never get them...... This is Ava's story.... through an interview with her father Martin.. Please share.

Music In The Arms Of An Angel - By Sister Duet - Lucy & Martha Thomas.

Special thanks to Martin O'Brien and cameraman Jonathon Henderson


  • 0/2000
  • Fantastic interview and strength to all of the family 💚

  • Hats off to you Philip for all your great work✅🇨🇮 It’s tragic the viciousness of the evil that has been unleashed on our world by a cabal of politicians, media & Church leaders bowing down to the global criminals who want to genocide all of us🤮😈 Well done to Martin for speaking out and helping to expose the evil✅ God bless Martin and his family having to cope with the fallout🙏

  • well done Philip. My cousin was killed by the jab last week. I asked his daughter to demand an autopsy but the evidence is gone now as he was cremated! I warned him not to take it but he told me I was talking BS and refused to talk to me ever again. Best man at my wedding and godfather to my eldest boy. They refuse to listen to those that love them while they listen to the Tony Houlihan's who don't care a two tupenny damn about them. Very sad!

  • Heartbreaking.

  • Utterly heartbreaking. I’m sobbing here. May her family find peace and may those responsible face the harshest of consequences.

  • This was heartbreaking to watch, we have a connection with Ava'a Dad, members of our family attended her funeral. The excess deaths and increase in Cancers strokes heart problems and more are being ignored by governments and media. The only logical conclusion is that they are being told to stay quiet. Who in the name God has the power to do that ?

  • I met Martin earlier on in the year when doing our awareness campaign outside the Pfizer office in Ringsend. He told myself and another lady his story and I could barely hold back the tears. Ava's premature death cannot be for nothing. May God give Martin and his family the strength to carry on and eternal rest to Ava. 🙏🙏

  • Heartbreaking. Sending so much love to Martin his family and Ava. Heartbroken for ye.

  • Heartbreaking and shame on that man for saying it was people's choice to take it. Their time will come. Shame on them

  • When we look at that minister of 'health', we see what it is to be soulless.......

  • Heartbreaking story. Everyone needs to hear!

  • Hi Philip, Here in Australia, we have 1 death reported of ovarian cancer following the Pfizer (40 yr old woman who had 3 Covid jab doses, but no batch number was reported under case no. 636486 - TGA DAEN - Database of Adverse Event Notifications). We have a few other ovarian cancers reported in Australia plus many other female conditions following Comirnaty/Pfizer i.e. ovarian cysts, ovarian cyst rupture, neoplasm malignant, ovarian mass, ovarian adenoma (tumour), ovarian oedema, ovarian rupture. Total of over 3,000 reported cases involving females associated with neoplasms and reproductive system/breast disorders, following Pfizer jabs. Multiply that by the underreporting factor of 30 or 40 (or more) and you have a realistic number of adverse reports involving women with above conditions mentioned. Perhaps Martin O'Brien has medical access to Ava's (teenage daughter) Pfizer batch number? If so, enter it into "How Bad is My Batch" website or any Irish FOI requests involving batch numbers associated with Pfizer adverse event cases related to ovarian cancer and/or related similar ovarian conditions; in order to determine how bad Ava's batch number was, which led to her young death and any other incidents of harm and injury to others.

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