VMblog Expert Q&A with Boyan Ivanov of StorPool. Block Storage and Erasure Coding.

9 months ago

In this episode of the VMblog Expert Video Interview Series, we are joined by Boyan Ivanov, the CEO of StorPool.

Watch this video interview as we learn more about StorPool, a primary data #storage platform designed for modern, large-scale #cloud infrastructure. The platform delivers the speed, agility, scalability, and price/performance required by modern applications and business demands.

Boyan Ivanov explores where we are in 2023, and the problems that he sees with many of the data protection approaches that are being deployed today.

We also take a deeper look into erasure coding, what it is, how it differs from other approaches, including RAID, and the kind of performance impact that it can have.

This week, StorPool released the 21st major version of its primary storage platform, which introduces new capabilities and features including fast and efficient Erasure Coding, cloud management integration improvements and enhanced data efficiency – some of which have never been previously available from any block storage vendor.

Learn more about StorPool at their website: https://storpool.com/
Or check out their knowledge base: https://kb.storpool.com/
Learn more about their new features announced: https://vmblog.com/archive/2023/10/17/storpool-builds-superior-storage-platform-block-by-block.aspx

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Jump straight in: ↪️
0:00 - Intro
0:16 - Boyan Ivanov, the CEO of StorPool
0:33 - Overview on StorPool
1:22 - Problems with current data protection approaches
2:44 - What is Erasure Coding?
4:09 - Performance impacts using Erasure Coding
5:11 - What's keeping Erasure Coding from being used widespread with Block Storage?
6:15 - StorPool adding Erasure Coding feature in platform
8:57 - Wrap Up

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