2023 Town of Summerville Candidates Forum II

11 months ago

#summerville #southcarolina #mayoralrace #localpolitics #districtrace

This is the complete and unedited (excluding battery and memory card changes) second 2023 Town of Summerville Candidates Forum for Mayor and District 2, presented by the Dorchester County Republican Women's Club.

I've posted this video for those interested in the politics of Summerville, South Carolina, and who were unable to attend. The mayoral and district races are always interesting, as are small-town politics. This year's sure to be no exception.

Here are the questions in case you'd prefer not to watch the entire eighty-nine minutes:

00:00 - Intro.
00:36 - Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, Creed.
02:44 - Steven Wright: Announcement.
04:00 - Outreach recipient: Katie Stagliano for Katie's Krops.
09:15 - Acknowledgements.

09:56 - Opening remarks (Introduction & why I'm running for mayor).
20:27 - What spending items can you commit to cutting, to ensure we don't have to raise taxes again?
26:27 - What will you propose to keep infrastructure on pace with growth?
32:23 - How will you address the homeless issue? How will you help these people?
38:00 - What will you do to improve the political climate and rhetoric in Summerville?
41:18 - Summerville's Mayor has limited power. What will you do to bring the other councilmen together for a common cause?
45:35 - Candidate's closing remarks.

49:39 - Opening remarks (Introduction & why I'm running for District 2).
57:16 - What spending items can you commit to cutting, to ensure we don't have to raise taxes again?
01:03:11 - What will you propose to keep infrastructure on pace with growth?
01:09:29 - How will you address the homeless issue? How will you help these people?
01:14:51 - What will you do to improve the political climate and rhetoric in Summerville?
01:19:10 - What does 'family values' mean to each of you?
01:23:49 - Candidate's closing remarks.

01:27:27 - Suggestion from audience member regarding a regular 'all town forum.'
01:28:26: Credits.

Thanks to DCRWC President Donna Klim for moderating, and the Dorchester County Republican Women's Club for putting the whole thing together, Coastal Coffee Roasters and Brad Mallett for hosting, and especially this year's candidates for participating in this democratic process: Russ Touchberry, Dickie Miler, Vickie Fagen, Bill McIntosh, Tiffany Johnson-WIlson, and Terry Jenkins. But also you for watching and participating. Regardless of your candidate, it's vitally important to get out there and vote! Just do it! No excuses!

And, please do me this favor: If you hear something you don't like by one of the candidates, please, please, please do NOT click the "thumbs down" button. I'm just the messenger. There's no need to leave my video a bad mark or review. That would be most appreciated. Thanks!

For more information about the Dorchester County Republican Women's Club, check out their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DCRWCLUB

For more information about Katie's Krops: https://katieskrops.com/

For information about this year's local elections, visit: https://www.summervillesc.gov/502/Election-2023

And, as always, thanks to Dan Swift for accompanying me and keeping me out of trouble. Visit him at https://www.tsg843.com

So it is written. So shall it be done.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kevinprovance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinprovance
Website: https://www.kevinprovance.com
Distributor: https://www.svlstudios.com

Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T4i
Lens: EFS 18-135mm
Mic: Rode VideoMic Go II
Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro CC

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