The Tempest by John Dryden and William D'Avenant - FULL AUDIOBOOK

7 months ago

John Dryden and William D'Avenant's Restoration adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest preserves the main plot and characters of the original. Prospero, the former Duke of Milan, lives on an isolated island with his daughter Miranda, and plans to take revenge on his brother Antonio, who usurped his throne. He is aided by his servant, the airy sprite Ariel, and is hated by his other servant, the monster Caliban. Dryden and D'Avenant added in a number of characters: Dorinda, Prospero's other daughter, Hippolito, a young man who has never seen a woman, Sycorax, Caliban's sister, and more spirits and comic mariners. They also added more song, dance, and spectacle. Their version was considered the definitive Tempest until the 19th century.

00:00:00 - 01 - Prologue/Act 1
00:31:59 - 02 - Act 2
01:08:57 - 03 - Act 3
01:46:50 - 04 - Act 4
02:24:51 - 05 - Act 5/Epilogue

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