this flip phone means concerned for the future

10 months ago

i really appreciate conversations
i'm good at one on ones, maybe two other people max
are these conversations happening in coffee shops or a park
what is being accomplished due to these conversations
maybe i have too high an expectation
i don't naturally wanna spend time w/ anyone
it means a lot to be able to talk to people
resistant towards this technical world cos society was bad enough before
i value communication quite a bit
it doesn't much matter yacking about it
so called traditional people care more about what's on their tv
material possessions prove that God will always be secondary to their comforts
communist overlords ain't shit compared to the tv
the naked communist, i read that shit so fast
america was easily overtaken
well islam might take over now so nvrmind
probably gonna keep goin down leftist lunatic style
no point in even talking about the trance! issue. everyone is in a trance get it
are you really concerned for your future
cannot think ahead financially like at all
prophet about society's stupidity is all
they won't use it to help themselves but to self-destruct
you gotta be like fuckin antifa (but peaceful)
things aren't happening the way they are saying they are
i should be in church but i am sitting out here talking
i want my conversations to take me somewhere damnit
you ain't moving goal posts but kickin around the ball mazel tov

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