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Dr Jessica Rose - Excess Death

1 year ago

To view the full proceedings from all book contributors and to get a copy of the book please visit: https://amps.redunion.com.au/too-many-dead


  • 0/2000
  • As always, so brilliantly analytical and so clearly understandable! Thanks Jessie.

  • Brilliant work. Thank you.

  • Have you seen this study? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35665018/ Spike binds to binds and modulates Estrogen Receptor Alpha...

  • Excellent presentation! My question is why haven't there been any/more arrests?

  • I 🙏 the Government and medical authorities watch these presentations and/or read the book and open their eyes. The bureaucrats, government agencies, media etc responsible for pushing safe and effective need to be held accountable for the devastation and harm inflicted on the Australian population.

  • All shots have to have an adjuvant in it or it will simply pass through a healthy body. Typically they put heavy metals in shots to make it last longer in the body. Doctors routinely call adjucants "preservatives", which I don't think it is wrong to call adjuvants preservatives as it does make it last longer in the body. This is simply how our bodies work. Our bodies are designed to take in nutrients and pass waste. Can't change simple biology. KNOW VACCINE 101 rule, "Vaccines are inherently unsafe". Now the question should always be is it worth it to obtain immunity against something versus putting a toxin in a body. I am not a doctor, but I believe this question should always be brought up in a doctor's office. Would it be better to simply build up ones own immune health, strengthen the health of their T-cells, to fight off all illments instead of getting shots with toxins in it? Dr. Paul Thomas, pediatrician, has said that his children who were not vaccinated were far healthier than the ones who were. Make not mistake if you put toxins in a body then of course the body takes a hit. Sometimes people have a hard time getting rid of these toxins from the body and they can develop major health issues. Sometimes toxins simply accumulate in a body, especially an already unhealthy body and the body gets sicker and sicker. I always think it is silly when the question keeps arising is are these shots safe? NO they are never 100 percent safe. One should ask is this the best choice for me even though the shots are not 100 percent safe.

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  • Got the book. Blessings to you and your colleagues!

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  • Ms Jessica i hope you know how much I appreciate you. Thank you, very informative

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  • I love the "shit show" comment that was probably not meant to be a LPS E-coli pun ;^)