Daniel Saw our Day

8 months ago

The fulfillments of some Bible prophecies are instantly recognized…like the death and resurrection of Messiah, the rebirth of Israel, and the implantable chip/Mark of the Beast. And now, there’s Daniel 12:4…
(Text screen…Daniel 12:4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”)
For thousands of years the book was sealed. Prophetic understanding was limited. And the sum of human knowledge moved at a snail’s pace.
But no longer.
In 1900, it took 100 years for human knowledge to double. By 1945, that time-span was 25 years. In 2023, it happens every 13 months. And with the introduction of artificial intelligence systems, the process is moving at warp speed. According to IBM, building out “the internet of things” should eventually lead to human knowledge doubling every 12 hours.
How can the human brain keep up? Literally, there are not enough hours in the day.
Two diverse agendas are propelling the merging of man and machine through implanted brain chips. Like Adam and Eve in the garden, some crave instant answers and limitless knowledge at the speed of thought. Others believe the best way to control AI and keep it from destroying mankind is by becoming one with the system.
Today, mankind, made in the image of God, has created a “little g” god in our own image. It’s called AI. And it tempts mankind to fall a second time before the “tree of knowledge;” as we take another, lethal, bite from the apple.

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